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Pffffft. I'm too busy being awesome to do something.
Weeeell, It's nearly 2:30 AM here and I have school in approximately 4 hours so, GoodNight!
Bye, Keels~ <3
[Good night!]
Me upon learning Soul Glow Activatur is leaving Family Force 5: *stares at screen* NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by spiderwick9 (24-09-2013 00:39:52)
i woke up on saturday, 09/22/2013(for lunch)
now, it's monday, 09/23/2013 (22:05)
with no sleep at all.
now, good night, i REALY need to sleep x_X
i've been awake for over 30hours in a row now and my head is sore :hypn:
I need me some good ol' cosplay.
It's 6 o'clock in the evening,
Conversation got boring..
Ugel: "I cheated on her(Sophie) and she broke my car windows.. and my apartment windows."
Sophie: "Oh and I broke his DVD and flat screen too."
Ugel: "She also broke my brother's flat screen, and his daughter's monitor screen."
Sophie: "Oh yes. It was a bit awkward because she wasn't supposed to be home that time."
Ugel: "It was good. We got it aaalll out."
Sophie: "Now we are just good friends!"
Guess what?! I found the thing, in the thing, by the thing! But I also found this thing *holds up thing* behind the first thing, by this big thing. I wanted to get the big thing, but this heavy thing was on top of the big thing, so I only have first thing, and this thing.
"Alyssa, you're dangerous!"
they say as I play Dance Central. When in reality, it just means that if someone walks by me, I might punch them in the face. :T
Ohmigoshohmigoshohmigosh, the Black Butler OVA s are AWESOME.
My eyes! My head! Sometimes I wish I could burn thoughts from my head
Last edited by spiderwick9 (29-09-2013 21:47:37)
I see you've escaped the Spice Mines of Castlavaine!
"Look at this, okay? I want you to remember this face, here. This is the guy, behind the guy, behind the guy."
I tell people I watch anime for the plot... then I get caught watching Free!...
Last edited by spiderwick9 (30-09-2013 19:42:15)
i used to say, now the only thing left to invent is gospel funk.
guess what? it ALREADY was!
I like you just the way you are~
Me. Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedddddddddddddddddddddd.
So what you're telling me is, I'm actually NOT a llama?
*le me on RTS games*