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Okay, finally finished my uniform :) It's in my loft. (obviously :p)
May I change the doll that I'm using in this club? I'd like to use my main doll - rheasilvia - now. Hope it's not a problem.
And here is my kawaii uniform. You can find it in my Living Room 2.
My not-really-kawaii uniform :pleur:
Last edited by chocorae (30-08-2013 16:23:08)
chocorae wrote:
My not-really-kawaii uniform :pleur:
@ chocorae you will need to upload your photo to a free photo sharing site. You can not just post the file from your computer or everyone will not be able to see it.
Really?? I'm soo sorry fot that... :non:
But, can you please help to recommend some photo sharing site... :ouf:
Deviantart, blingee, photobucket(?) that's all I really know.
To represent my dorm, I'm choosing this picnic basket!
Because we all know that bears steal picninc baskets that are filled with cookies ;)
Cookie Dorm
Cute little bear slippers!
Here's a screenshot of my outfit (thanks to Saffi) so that everybody can see.
Wow! Your outifits are all very beautiful! :)
representing le cupcake dorm with a pink cupcake :) I always think of pink when I see hello kitty soooo yup :)
Here's my screenshot as I need to change my outfit:
Is it too late for me to join?
Registration Form:
Kawaii Name : Cherrisuki
Doll Name : My alt Royal-goth
Cuteness Rate : If I'm rating my alt, it would probably be an 8.
Dormitory : Strawberry!
Here's her uniform!
I will choose an object sometime later. :)
Last edited by amaryllis-love (05-09-2013 11:20:10)
I would like join.
Kawaii Name: Arina
Doll Name: Zarinen
Cuteness Rate: 6
Suggestions on Improving the Academy: Not as of yet.
Dormitory: Cookie
Last edited by zarinen (08-10-2013 01:00:27)
Sorry for being inactive for a long time and not announcing it. I am currently attending school as a sophomore student and I'm pretty busy with the projects and other requirements. I am so sorry! :ouf:
Chocorae, Subway1, Saffirelle, Keiramarina, Kimaly, Icefoxes, 30xtmxfan, Bloodyemos, Hollymoua, Malu, Fairykisses, Rheasilvia, & Angelfire - Plus points for all of you! Thank you for joining an extra. Tune in for another one!
Amaryllis-love & Zarinen - Welcome to Kawaisa Academy! Your identification cards are currently processing.
Screenshots have been saved, including those who are new. Results will be announced soon.
Last edited by bebepat (27-09-2013 14:23:18)
Well, here's my new outfit!! You don't mind if I change, right?? :ouf: You can find it in my doll, Cutierae's loft:
Last edited by chocorae (28-09-2013 09:40:21)
Because of the delayed announcement I already changed my doll's outfit. I'll be lazy and post this edited pic from the miss ohmydollz contest and hope I don't get points off o-o
Last edited by icefoxes (28-09-2013 22:21:53)
Sorry for the late announcement, again! I'll be free until Nov. 3 because of semestral break but I will not guarantee that I'll be online often. Sucks, really. But It's not my fault anyway.
First Task CP Stats:
25 CP for those who have finished Task 1~! Hope this is enough to make up for my absence.
Task 2 will be given soon!
Extra CP for the ones who have done the Extra will be given soon also but all of you will be given +5! Another extra coming up!
Stay Cute, Girls! :bisous:
Your ID Cards will be updated with your dorms in it soon but not today. I have many things to do so... sorry about that. :ouf:
As for today, I have posted the CP Stats if you haven't seen it yet but I forgot to add the extra points for those who took part in the Extra section so... sorry again. :ouf:
But I'll post the next task soon and another extra so... Stay tuned! :bisous:
no promblem :applau: i know how it is with school :good: so its all good :norm: