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Yup. The Lovely Insider is back! After the great entries we got in Easter, I couldn't help but think that the October 2013 Cover should be featuring your pumpkins!
Like last time, The best two pumkpins will be shown on the cover of October 2013
- No offensive or inappropriate words or images
- Do not copy other players' work
- Only one entry per player
- Even if you're from the LI family, you can still join.
- When you're done, please post the entry here and PM DarkelfQueen.
Deadline: 30th September, 2013
[i]The Best Two Pumpkins (Yup! Two Winners)
- Featured on the cover of the October LI.
- 30 loft and doll votes
- A gift of choice
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. HAVE FUN! :bisous:
- Amaryllislove*
- Fairykisses*
- Saffirelle*
- Subway1
- shadowchild3*
- icefoxes*
Underlined means I have their submissions
Last edited by darkelfqueen (19-09-2013 14:57:22)
I wanna join! :)
Here it is! I did it on pixlr. I did the design inspired from an ad actually. :P I'm not sure you can see it, but it's in a grave yard where there's a tree stump that eats any humans that come to visit the dead. Those are their various feet hanging in the air.
Last edited by amaryllis-love (05-09-2013 12:05:47)
Here is my pumpkin entry:
Wow girls! They look awesome! Updated your info above!
I want to join! Please. :) I will show my pumpkin soon. :)
I'll join for sure! ;D
Added girls! Good luck!
Thanks! And, um, I just have one question: Does it have to be about halloween ? Like, it will be, for mine, but, like...Sort of Halloween...And, can we copy paste a photo and alter it on our pumpkins ?
It has to be Halloween related since it's going to be on the cover of the October LI which is going to be a Halloween special.
You can use pictures to make a big can't be just that picture without much work. For example, you need a bat for making a certain shape, you can get a picture out of the internet and use it...But it can't be just that picture in a raw format...Am I making any sense?
Yep! I get it! Thanks!
hay Darky! I think I would like to join the contest, seeing as I had so much fun with the Easter one. I will start working on my pumpkin right now and I should have it up soon.
Oh, I do have one question, dose the pumpkin have orange?
Thanks and have a great day
Last edited by shadowchild3 (11-09-2013 01:23:54)
Sure Shadow. And no it doesn't have to be orange, but it has to be Halloween related ;)
All right I think am done... Sorry it took so long.
There is my little black cat. I think it turnd out pretty good. Hope you like it...
Thanks Darky for the amazingly fun contest, your the best!
OMG! Shadow's is adorable <3 (sorry, couldn't resist commenting here)
Thanks Keira! I am glade that some one else likes it and not just me :good:
Oooooo!!! I love it too! It's so cute! I bet you've worked hard on it! :)
@Darky: I'm almost done with mine! :)
Drawing? Count me in!
Meh :P Sorry for the low quality. The program I have is terrible.
Last edited by icefoxes (14-09-2013 01:03:56)
Here's my pumpkin! It's a zombie-skeleton.. :P
I know it's not good, but I tried. :ouf:
Thanks a lot, girls! Amazing work!!!!
A reminder! One more week before the deadline!
I can't wait for the results! HOW MUCH LONGER!
Results: … 11#p260711
Choose your gifts girlies! ALL THREE OF YOU!
darkelfqueen wrote:
O.O wow..
Umm I'd like this one please. THANKS! ;D
Sent the gift Amary!! Just wanna thank that I LOVED your pumpkin :D
YAHOOOOOOO!!! :gai: I am so happy that I won! It was just about killing me trying to wait for you to post the results. I was a little worried that my pumpkin wasn't really that Halloweeny.
I think I would like this pleas.
Thank you so much Darky!!! :applau: