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I have been trying in vain to find shoes much like these(but probably not so high), but I can't seem to find a reliable source to buy it from when I do happen to find it. So I come to you, fellow dollz who love shoes (probably not as much as I do) to help me out with a site where I could find, and buy something like this from? I have never tried buying stuff from the internet, so I'm nervous and have trust issues.
I would definitely suggest amazon. I've used it a lot for my school stuff and also for some clothes and novels. Try to buy from amazon itself, but you can also find good sellers there too!
These exact shoes were designed by Julian Louie for ALDO (search aldoshoes), but they are not avaliable in the store anymore as they were from the 2011 spring/summer collection.
I don't thing it's gonna be easy to find anything similar to these shoes. They were quite unique :) As Darky said, you can try Amazon, maybe Ebay, and ModCloth has sometimes some crazy-looking shoes as well.
Thanks. :) Amazon has good prices, Ebay has even better but the shipping prices are more expensive, so I think I'm gonna try ModCloth. :)
Closest I could find
At by Chinese laundry