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I hated it because scenes were dragging on, and none of the important subplots or the main plot were being dealt with.. and I was just trying to fit all these unnecessary things in there that it just ugh. Lost it's appeal.
I actually saw a post on the NaNo forums that said you should try to fit in as many unimportant details as you can at the beginning because when you get stuck later on, you can resort to giving these things a reason for being written. For example, if you're writing about aliens landing on earth and in the first chapter you write a page describing a gun, when you get stuck on chapter twenty you could write about the alien finding the gun and using it to kill the protagonist's little brother, which then gives him motivation for hunting down the aliens. So according to this, you are doing extremely well :)
Well that's new. o.o
Yep :p What kind of unnecessary things have you put in?
Something about a museum, a sweater, and a truck.
Hmm... uhh... okay. That's interesting. How do you think you could fit those in?
Well, I was thinking maybe the museum would be the place where the thing goes down (first round with antagonist), the truck might be the only form of transport that the protagonist will have access to in dire need, but the sweater though. I don't know about that.
One of the two could be in a snow storm? or maybe the sweater ends up in the hands of the protagonist's lover (if there is one)
I was thinking I would make the antagonist the person the protagonist falls in love with.. I don't know how to make the sweater meaningful enough though...
I think I may be quitting soon :( NaNo is starting to impact my school studies.
Aww it's okay. I'm stopping for a couple of weeks cuz I'm MOVING TO ANOTHER DAMN COUNTRY. AGAIN.
Really? Why are you moving?
I have to go to uni there, so yeah. Moving. -.-
Oh... I don't get why you're upset.... Aren't you excited about going to uni?