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Dear guys on le board,
Missed me? :P
Ahem, so this post s mainly to let ya'all know that since my stepmom has to share her android's internet with me, and she isn't home that much, I haven't had a chance to just go online and post, or even collect my DB. Since I have just a few minutes to spare (from her busy schedule right now) I'm just posting this.
Bloodsy, happy late birthday! I'm so sorry I missed it that day, and hope a thousand apologies and hugs make up for it.
Darky, The same goes to you my lovely Darky! Here's a thousand apologies and hugs as well <3
Angel, I miss rambling about youtubers with you as well as Laura. <3 I haven't had a chance at watching even one of them since I got here -wails in despair-
And my dear Malu, I miss you more than I can bear I can only hope that you're eating well and trying to be more sociable and giving my little bro hell <3 I love you so so much. Also, would you mind collecting my DB for me? And if I have enough, do the Christmas quest and/or something with a 7DB job in it for me?
I miss you all dearly; not a day goes by when I don't think about you all. Hope everything's better for you than they were when I was here last <3
Yours affectionately and wholeheartedly,
Last edited by amaryllis-love (26-11-2013 16:41:38)
>.< I miss talking to you about youtubers as well! I found new one's that you may like...though they aren't british guys ^^
How's life in your new place? Come back shoon mmkay! And keep us updated!
Oh God. I missed you <3 Send me a PM when you can! I have loads to tell!