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#1 15-01-2014 14:28:37

Registered: 2013
Posts: 9

Additional 1$ for watching an advertisment

Recently I've stopped to receive the additional 1$ while working, even though I still watch the advertisments and the notification "you received additional 1$' is present. Does anyone have a similar problem? Can it be solved somehow?

Last edited by roisinblue (15-01-2014 14:28:58)

#2 15-01-2014 19:32:04

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009
Posts: 3285

Re: Additional 1$ for watching an advertisment

roisinblue wrote:

Recently I've stopped to receive the additional 1$ while working, even though I still watch the advertisments and the notification "you received additional 1$' is present. Does anyone have a similar problem? Can it be solved somehow?

I get that from time to time.  It depends on what the video is.  If you get the one where they want you to watch the "skeleton drive-thru" then you won't ever receive that extra DB.  Most of the time when you have to go to another site to watch the video, you won't get what it says you will.  When I get that one, I just open another browser window & click the "work" button again to see if I can get a different video, sometimes I do.

The French video that comes up.... you don't have to watch the video... just wait for the french message to appear which is telling you to click here & that takes you to a different page.  On that particular one, you will always get that extra DB.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#3 16-01-2014 22:29:39

Registered: 2013
Posts: 9

Re: Additional 1$ for watching an advertisment

Thank you! :)

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