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Our new said most of your schools are cancelled, Varky. It's -11 around there
45 ended up having to go at least for the morning ones...tooooo cold!!!!
It's -6 here
45 brrrr. I stopped checking the temperatures now.
I'll stick to inside
45 yup gonna,head home early.
How about I just make a machine that allows us to all go to the warmest, coolest beach in the world?
OH im re-doing my loft, how you girls like it so far? Be brutally honest.
Last edited by ilovem12 (28-01-2014 18:24:07)
Please, Ilovem?
I'll look at it tonight. School and seeing the bf later
Umm how about no...>:3
I love the loft! It looks so kewl! The wallpaper and the scenery go really well with each other!
Twin, hope you have fun!!
It looks beautiful Ilovem. Very homey.
Twin, I had tons of fun
That's great to hear!
Wellz...I was supposed to watch the State of the Union address by obama today but amm...yeah...missed it >.< Now I have to read the script and disect it
I know it's online but Watching speeches puts me to sleep. Reading them does the same but It would be better than sitting and staring.
I was asked to but couldn't bare it
44 I've decided to study and work from home today. Too Cold!
Ilove, it looks homey!!!! LOVE it!
How're my favorite girlies today?
Tired. I barely remember the last half hour bc of me trying to stay awake
44 Are you at school?
Yeah. APUSH is a blur
a href=""> … 36#p267236
Thanks, Malu!