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#1 07-02-2014 18:32:01

Registered: 2012
Posts: 235

Troubles with WIA


For a couple of weeks now, I've been having "major" problems with the WIA. I've always been faily good with coding CSS (divs, tables and so on). I usually try it out first on tumblr and then pass the code to the WIA.
Before this, the layout would just difere on some extra breaks between items. Now, it doesn't show some or almost all items, the ones it shows are not displayed completely, pre-made text won't appear and everything is absolutely missplaced.
I've uploaded some print screens of what happens. The links to them are below since the images would be too big. … 4_1280.jpg  This is the first version of what I was going to upload today. Here you can see how it looks on tumblr. … 3_1280.jpg  As you can see, after putting it on OMD's WIA, all the text is gone along with some other items and, what is shown, is not complete. Also, it is not shown in the image but part of the page was formated.

So I thought maybe the outside elements (music and the fish bar at the bottom) are messing it up and I erased those … 1_1280.jpg  How it looked on tumblr (I didn't change anything, just deleted what was from the music and the fishes) … 2_1280.jpg  This is how it was shown on OMD. The background and image are gone, the text is out of place (not just visually but even outside the box they are supposed to be, literally), without the settings I had chosen (such as font, style and color of the text) and, it might not be very clear at first but, right at the bottom of this image, you can see a bubble of text outside the WIA limits that would follow as I scrolled up or down the page.

I'd appreciate if I could get some feedback from this, be it from OMD staff or other players that have noticed it, perhaps.
Let me make it clear that I have cleaned my cache several times (for other reasons) and updated Adobe already and, throughout those times, it always kept on presenting the same errors.

One last question. About half a year ago, I used some music on my page for the first time. I found an MP3 player online that worked and I was warned by a moderator that it was probably not allowed to use outside music. The person told me they would go and seek more information about this to their superiors but I haven't had any ever since. I've read the rules and in no place I saw stated we are not allowed to use outside music on our page (hence why I was going to use it again). I'd like to then ask if it is or not allowed.
And, OMD players, please do not ask where did I get the Player nor, if you already know by your own means, do not share with anyone else.

Thank you!

Last edited by janghyunae (07-02-2014 18:33:41)

#2 10-02-2014 11:43:49

From: Rakuzan High
Registered: 2011
Posts: 22

Re: Troubles with WIA

that's because OMD's WIA doesn't support most of the codes you used. Unlike tumblr which supports HTML and CSS. I think OMD's WIA only supports CSS. HTML and CSS are two different things.

I also had the same problem when i was designing my wia layout. I tried adding the marquee code but it doesnt work, but it did worked when i tried it on other website (CSS/HTML code tester)


#3 10-02-2014 13:48:52

Registered: 2012
Posts: 235

Re: Troubles with WIA

I'm not sure what are you refering to when you say "marquee code"...
Though, until now, I've always managed to put anything in my WIA and I only use the codes given here. Once I tried adding a music player and it worked so this time I tried again. Also there was a time I tried using the fish code and it worked as well even though I took it off right away. I thought it could be because there were too many of those codes but even if I only use the codes given on the board, it doesn't appear fully.
The two last images were done only with those codes so they should work fine, but they aren't working fine.. That's why I'm finding this odd.

EDIT: More of this with simple codes that are given here in the forum:

Once again, how it looks on tumblr. You can see from the written part that the codes used are the most simple ones, all divs were closed and nothing seems to be missing … 1_1280.jpg

However, this is what I have after confirming it on my WIA: The text is outside the box that apparently does not exist (it's a transparent one over the white one with 10px of difference between them so the text should be "in" a slimmer style.) … 2_1280.jpg

This is what people see … 5_1280.jpg

After confirming again, magic happens … 3_1280.jpg

And this is naturally what people see … 4_1280.jpg

Just simple coding and a dummy text so I am now convinced it has nothing to do with the other codes I use. I usually use border-radius as well as opacity and they always worked fine. Now, nothing works.

Last edited by janghyunae (10-02-2014 19:13:05)

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