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Meanwhile so you guys don't get bored here have the 3rd task
Task 3 : What would you like to watch ?
We all know our users like to watch movies ,cartoon or other tv shows so let's find something for them!
Dress like a character from any movie ,anime ,cartoon ,series or i don't know whatever else you can watch on the internet ...maybe even a vloger.
Congratulations, girls!
Hmm... Can I be Superwoman from YouTube ?
Thanks! :)
Decided to do Jane from Breaking Bad
(Sent you a PM)
Can it be a character from a game?
Subway and Malu : Yes go ahead :)
30stmxfan and Angel : Good job girls!
I'll be Aida from the game Ascension on Rimarugames.
I'm ready in my beach.
Ok guys rated results coming when everyone is ready ... now meanwhile pay attention here
As you can notice under you applications there are some colorful dots
A greed dot means a point and it's given for doing a quest .
A red dot means 3 points and is given for getting the best score on a quest
Last edited by rukia131 (07-02-2014 21:50:17)
For the 3rd task...
I'll choose from... Yoon Eun Hye as Shin Chae Kyung in the K-drama 'Princess Hours'
IU as Kim Bo Tong in the K-drama 'Bel Ami'
Will edit this post once done with the screen shot. :norm: