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angelfire wrote:
Okay so in this game what you have to do is say if this is what you do or don't do
♥ Player 1 - Do you like to play hopscotch?
♥ Player 2 - Yes I love skipping. Are you Weird?
♥ Player 3 - Yes, who isn't
Please no inappropriate questions. Little kids play this game too. My little sister does and I don't want her to read that stuff.
You get the drift. Okay. Ready? Set. Go!!
icefoxes wrote:
Never do.
Do you use your foot like a hand sometimes when you're busy? (e.g. closing the refrigerator door while you stir hot chocolate.)
Are you an Alien?
Are you part of the Illuminati ?
The Wha wha?
Do you like waffles? (I made some for breakfast, then my mom woke up and told me that my brother and sister weren't home and that she didn't want any. And of course my dad would sleep until 3, so I had all 9 waffles. XD)
Of course! :)
Do you wish upon a star ?
Last edited by subway1 (23-02-2014 16:43:21)
(( @ice - ermagersh really? I shall live with you and wait for dem waffles ))
Makes no difference where you are...Lol ^^ Okay okay back to da question:
Am no not really.
Are you an alien that lives in planet number 352347 and travel all across the universe for no absolute reason?
YUS. How did you noeses? :o
Do you like pancakes?
Do you like to read?
Of course!
Are you highly allergic to boredom ?
Last edited by subway1 (01-03-2014 21:56:06)
No. I'm not the kind of person who gets bored easily. I get tired. But not really bored.
Do you prefer Chocolate or Vanilla?
A thousand yeses.
Do you think "Grammar Nazis" are a good thing?
Sometimes. They are a neccessary evil
Are you a Strawberry or Raspberries?
Are you alright ?
No I'm cuckoo :DD
Do you like this smiley or that one?
Which one?
Do you like Sandwiches?
Depends on what's on them.
Do you like to sing (If you sound good or not is of no matter)?
Last edited by spiderwick9 (09-03-2014 02:47:45)
Yes! I sing perhaps a bit too much even...
Do you like to watch movies?
Oh, yes!
Do you like Disney?
Of course!
Do you accept the terms and conditions ?
Why not?
Do you like pasta?
Are you on Pinterest?
Do you want to go skydiving??
Do you like writing?
Eh.. sorta.
Do you want to be in Harry Potter or in LOTR? (This is a tough one!)