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#251 21-11-2013 20:31:18

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012
Posts: 38246

Re: The Lovely Insider

I can't believe I didn't see this earlier. Good god, I've been way too busy.

You are welcome for the issues and I loved it as always. I seriously wished I could have found my favorite Halloween Poem but I couldn't.

As usual, it was a great issues and might take into consideration with the jewelry <3

Funny note, it is 21 days after Halloween and I am still listening to "This is Halloween" by P!ATD and watching "The Nightmare Before Christmas." My 2 year old is such a demented little monster and loves the movie. I love him <3
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#252 05-12-2013 21:19:40

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: The Lovely Insider

awwwww. Can I watch it with you two?!

Two pieces of news:

1. The LI now is on tumblr. Since the website is taking forever for me to finish, that was the quick solution. So...uh...Tadaaaaaaaaa. It's on

2. Since we're having a hard time finishing a monthly LI in time, I decided to, for the mean time, start what I call a miniLI. A shorter, simpler version that actually focuses on a particular topic at once.

Below is the first miniLI, so sit back and Enjoy!

Last edited by darkelfqueen (05-12-2013 21:39:36)


#253 05-12-2013 22:10:48

From: The Second Star to the Right.
Registered: 2011
Posts: 2374

Re: The Lovely Insider

Great issue Darky! I really like this, it is a good change form only having one really big LI a month. This way you can focus more on one thing and making it really great! I think you should definatly keep doing these minis.

  the article about How to Focus was really really helpful. I can use that in any thing form doing my daily math work to creating a graphic that I dan't want to make, or even when I am in Church listening to the preacher. I should defiantly try this next time I have to focus cause I have to say I have one of the shortest attention spans when it comes to thinking about some thing.

  Thanks for another great LI Darky!!! I love it and don't wait to long for another one, I don't have good patients either.

Last edited by shadowchild3 (05-12-2013 22:11:26)


#254 06-12-2013 04:07:56

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010
Posts: 21425

Re: The Lovely Insider

Subscribed :D
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#255 06-12-2013 21:27:03

Registered: 2012
Posts: 235

Re: The Lovely Insider

Muahahahahah this will be so damn helpful in my new history classes... We went from a teacher that shows what she's telling and talks to you to a teacher that sits and talks to the computer and shows nothing..... Not gewd, people, not gewd.

And those foods nhom nhom nhom!!! I'd really want to try the crepes and quesadillas ones YUM!!

#256 13-12-2013 14:33:45

From: the other world
Registered: 2011
Posts: 596

Re: The Lovely Insider

The 1st mini LI is really helpful! Now I know how to calm myself whenever I cram. Thank you Darkelfqueen! :gai: :gai: :bisous:

#257 05-03-2014 22:24:45

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: The Lovely Insider

Since my life doesn't seem like it's getting any...slower...anytime soon, I would love to bring the LI back to its previous rate and possibly introduce special mini LIs in the middle.
I can't do it alone however. Not gonna happen. I need help.

This is a call out to all of the current member of the LI family and to anyone interested in helping. If you're interested in applying to/ continue working on the LI, could you please fill in the following form and post it here?

1. Are you an existing writer? If yes, which articles do you want to continue writing?If not, what kind of articles are you interested in?
2. Are you interested in helping with the graphics?
3. Are you interested in helping with the tumblr and/or website?
4. Are you interested in writing a multi-chaptered story for the LI?
5. Are you interested in making a comic for the LI?
6. Are you interested in proof reading?
7. What is your schedule like? We'll need to agree on a deadline for each person. That way I can have time to revise and the artists will get time to work on the graphics.
You'll also need to let me know ahead of time (two weeks at least) if you won't be able to make it that month. That way, I'll know that I'll have to replace you for that month. Or at least I'll find someone who would be interested to help for that month.
7. Finally, do you have any ideas or suggestions?

Keep in mind, that if you can't make it these days, you can apply again later. No probs at all.

Also if anyone, even if you're not applying, have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to let us know! You can PM me or post here!


#258 05-03-2014 22:40:52

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010
Posts: 21425

Re: The Lovely Insider

1. Are you an existing writer? If yes, which articles do you want to continue writing?If not, what kind of articles are you interested in?
Yes! I'd like to continue writing the "And You Are..." article as well as the artist featuring.

2. Are you interested in helping with the graphics?
Yes! Most definitely!

3. Are you interested in helping with the tumblr and/or website?
Sure ^^ I can help with both or even one.

4. Are you interested in writing a multi-chaptered story for the LI?
Depends on what it's about.

5. Are you interested in making a comic for the LI?
Humm...Maybe. Could it be anything?

6. Are you interested in proof reading?
I can do some proof reading. Though I'm not very good at it.

7. What is your schedule like? We'll need to agree on a deadline for each person. That way I can have time to revise and the artists will get time to work on the graphics.
You'll also need to let me know ahead of time (two weeks at least) if you won't be able to make it that month. That way, I'll know that I'll have to replace you for that month. Or at least I'll find someone who would be interested to help for that month.

I get home almost everyday on the weekdays at 6. I go to sleep at 12. But Weekends are all open for me.

8. Finally, do you have any ideas or suggestions?
Humm...None at the moment. But...could we continue the story thing we had begun in the first few issues? I really liked that :D
Also...we should have a person in charge of reminders. I don't know how easy or hard it is, but it could take another load off you if you have someone to keep up with asking people to meet deadlines. Just a thought.

Last edited by angelfire (05-03-2014 22:58:22)
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#259 05-03-2014 22:50:28

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012
Posts: 38246

Re: The Lovely Insider

1. Are you an existing writer? If yes, which articles do you want to continue writing?If not, what kind of articles are you interested in?
-yes. Poetry and LI Dictionary
2. Are you interested in helping with the graphics?
-I cannot do graphics
3. Are you interested in helping with the tumblr and/or website?
-This I can do
4. Are you interested in writing a multi-chaptered story for the LI?
-I can. I'll make time to do so. I need to get back into writing anyway.
5. Are you interested in making a comic for the LI?
-Again, not my field.
6. Are you interested in proof reading?
-I can do this as well.
7. What is your schedule like? We'll need to agree on a deadline for each person. That way I can have time to revise and the artists will get time to work on the graphics.
You'll also need to let me know ahead of time (two weeks at least) if you won't be able to make it that month. That way, I'll know that I'll have to replace you for that month. Or at least I'll find someone who would be interested to help for that month.
-We'll have to work this out month by month sadly due to school but we may be able to come up with something.
7. Finally, do you have any ideas or suggestions?
-Not off the top of my head.

Just e-mail for question, info, deadlines, etc.
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#260 06-03-2014 14:30:26

the undying
From: Homeworld
Registered: 2011
Posts: 3429

Re: The Lovely Insider

1. Are you an existing writer? If yes, which articles do you want to continue writing?If not, what kind of articles are you interested in?
Anime/Manga section. Maybe a video game one, too... Just entertainment in general.

2. Are you interested in helping with the graphics?
Sure thing.

3. Are you interested in helping with the tumblr and/or website?
Depends on my work schedule to be honest.

4. Are you interested in writing a multi-chaptered story for the LI?
I want to do a lot of things, but I don't have enough time/patience.

5. Are you interested in making a comic for the LI?
This I can do, yes.

6. Are you interested in proof reading?

7. What is your schedule like? We'll need to agree on a deadline for each person. That way I can have time to revise and the artists will get time to work on the graphics.
You'll also need to let me know ahead of time (two weeks at least) if you won't be able to make it that month. That way, I'll know that I'll have to replace you for that month. Or at least I'll find someone who would be interested to help for that month.
I should be alright if I don't get ahead of myself. I'll let you know early if I can or cannot make it.

7. Finally, do you have any ideas or suggestions?
None right now.
          * The wind is howling...

TUMBLR: reynir|            INSTA fierce.scarlet

#261 06-03-2014 20:07:15

Ancien joueur keiramarina

Re: The Lovely Insider

Hi again Darky :) Been a while, huh?

1. Are you an existing writer? If yes, which articles do you want to continue writing? If not, what kind of articles are you interested in?
I used to be a writer for the LI. I'd love to start again if you don't mind!
The quest on OMD at the moment gave me an idea. I would like to do an article a month on a specific part of English culture. I haven't seen anyone else doing this yet and it would mean that I get to cover everything from fashion to architecture to dog shows :D Plus, I know most people on OMD aren't British so it would be very interesting. You could tell me what the theme of the issue is so I know what to focus on. Would that be okay?
2. Are you interested in helping with the graphics?
Sorry, I'm really bad at graphics or anything tech-related so nope.
3. Are you interested in helping with the tumblr and/or website?
Once again, very bad at tech-related stuff.
4. Are you interested in writing a multi-chaptered story for the LI?
I'd love to!
5. Are you interested in making a comic for the LI?
No, sorry.
6. Are you interested in proof reading?
7. What is your schedule like? We'll need to agree on a deadline for each person. That way I can have time to revise and the artists will get time to work on the graphics.
You'll also need to let me know ahead of time (two weeks at least) if you won't be able to make it that month. That way, I'll know that I'll have to replace you for that month. Or at least I'll find someone who would be interested to help for that month.

I'm really sorry about how unreliable I was last year :( I promise I'll be much more reliable this time and I'll get the articles finished by the deadline you set! Just let me know when you need them by.
7. Finally, do you have any ideas or suggestions?
None that I can think of.

Just finished reading your mini issue! That was really helpful! Thank you so much for taking the time to make this beautiful magazine and thank you Janghyunae for requesting the theme.


#262 06-03-2014 23:08:19

From: Anywhere
Registered: 2010
Posts: 1893

Re: The Lovely Insider

1. Are you an existing writer ? If yes, which articles do you want to continue writing ?If not, what kind of articles are you interested in ?
No, but I would be interested in writing OMDer's Kitchen and Fashion Out There. :)
2. Are you interested in helping with the graphics ?
Yes, though I'm not the best! :)
3. Are you interested in helping with the Tumblr and/or website ?
4. Are you interested in writing a multi-chaptered story for the LI ?
5. Are you interested in making a comic for the LI?
6. Are you interested in proof reading ?
7. What is your schedule like ? We'll need to agree on a deadline for each person. That way I can have time to revise and the artists will get time to work on the graphics. You'll also need to let me know ahead of time (two weeks at least) if you won't be able to make it that month. That way, I'll know that I'll have to replace you for that month. Or at least I'll find someone who would be interested to help for that month.
Well, I will not always be available during the week due to school, but I will be most of the time, and almost always on weekends.
8. Finally, do you have any ideas or suggestions ?
Will edit this part later...

The Mauraders were alive that night, all four of them, you know, but it wasn't the same; only three were true and one was gone, and the one that was gone shouldn't have been. But they were together, again, and in that moment, they knew, they would never say goodbye.

#263 07-03-2014 16:04:34

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010
Posts: 29741

Re: The Lovely Insider

1. Are you an existing writer? If yes, which articles do you want to continue writing?If not, what kind of articles are you interested in?

Yup.. Sorta. OMD fashion. I don't mind any work though. A bit lazy but I'll do it. I shall be more responsible this time. Scouts honor.

2. Are you interested in helping with the graphics?

a) Depends on how.
b) I can make graphics like pictures and stuff. It'll be hard for me to do magazine pages and I know I'll probably ruin em. :/

3. Are you interested in helping with the tumblr and/or website?

Depends on how. :D

4. Are you interested in writing a multi-chaptered story for the LI?

Not alone. :D

5. Are you iterested in making a comic for the LI?

I can't draw very well. :D

6. Are you interested in proof reading?


7. What is your schedule like? We'll need to agree on a deadline for each person. That way I can have time to revise and the artists will get time to work on the graphics.

I go to school in the morning, come home at 2 PM and some days even at 4, eat, take my evening nap, wake up, eat, go onto OMD, if there's exams I'll study for around 20 minutes and then I go to sleep at 2 AM. :)

7. Finally, do you have any ideas or suggestions?

Picture make-up and clothing tutorials.
And pretzels. :)

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#264 07-03-2014 19:01:02

From: Land of Storms and Sunshine
Registered: 2010
Posts: 4092

Re: The Lovely Insider

1. Are you an existing writer? If yes, which articles do you want to continue writing?If not, what kind of articles are you interested in?

Yep. The fan fiction section. Could still help out with Anime/Manga. Other stuff I could do: Movies, Books, Video Games. But yeah, probably mostly fan fiction.

2. Are you interested in helping with the graphics?

Heck yeah.

3. Are you interested in helping with the tumblr and/or website?

Well, yeah, but would I be useful?

4. Are you interested in writing a multi-chaptered story for the LI?

Yep yep yep.

5. Are you interested in making a comic for the LI?

Does it have to be quality comics?

6. Are you interested in proof reading?

Erm, if it's only a little.

7. What is your schedule like? We'll need to agree on a deadline for each person. That way I can have time to revise and the artists will get time to work on the graphics.

Let's see, for months March-May I'll be free since summer. Not sure about the rest because new school, schedule and stuff :0

7. Finally, do you have any ideas or suggestions?

Hmmm, I dunno.
|Older Art. Updated: 10/17/14| Instagram : p2ionics |
| Twitter : psionic_nerd | Tumblr Writing Blog : under-latest-nostalgia |
Thanks for the ava/sig shadowchild03!

#265 07-03-2014 22:04:04

Registered: 2012
Posts: 235

Re: The Lovely Insider

Waw so many apps... -shoves mine in- Give Darky more stuff to read!! Yeaaah!

1. Are you an existing writer? If yes, which articles do you want to continue writing?If not, what kind of articles are you interested in?
I am not but I would like to. I currently run a fashion blog (mostly asian fashion but it has many types of it) so I would be leaning towards the fashion articles such as OMD fashion and Fashion Out There. I could help every now and then with the Kitchen section since I like to try new things (-ahem create magic potions-). Some curiosities sound interesting too and maybe the "SOS" articles. As some might know, I'm from Portugal and we have a very diverse vocabulary and I always found it interesting, it also made me try to search more on other languages as well so I could probably help with the Dictionary too. Lastly, the music section sounds interesting too and I'll suggest some more things down below (I think I just volunteered for almost every article...? Sorry)

2. Are you interested in helping with the graphics?
I can but I don't find myself at ease with it so, unless it's utterly necessary, I'll gladly give that spot to someone else.

3. Are you interested in helping with the tumblr and/or website?
Absolutely! I honestly really like the tumblr way of work so I can totes help with anything associated to it. The website, I can work my way on it as well.

4. Are you interested in writing a multi-chaptered story for the LI?
Bring it.

5. Are you interested in making a comic for the LI?
I could help with that. I'm not sure to what extent but I can help.

6. Are you interested in proof reading?
That sounds great, I miss doing proof reading actually.

7. What is your schedule like? We'll need to agree on a deadline for each person. That way I can have time to revise and the artists will get time to work on the graphics.
You'll also need to let me know ahead of time (two weeks at least) if you won't be able to make it that month. That way, I'll know that I'll have to replace you for that month. Or at least I'll find someone who would be interested to help for that month.
I have monday morning and wednesday afternoon free and I'm also free until 11am and after 5pm, max 8pm when I have meetings. Full weekend free.

8. Finally, do you have any ideas or suggestions?
We could do an art class! Since so many of us are artists in some way, we could show easy tricks or something like that, show different types of drawings (traditional and digital) and so on. I remember when I bought WITCH's magazine, they would teach how to draw each chara. And that brings me to the comic section and maybe the multi-chapter section: we could have events on people drawing the characters or we could set our own visuals of them and also teach how to draw them.
Something that could also be nice is an "Active section". You know how people are getting more and more addicted to the internet and they are losing their active side so maybe an article with fun stuff to do that helps that (instead of those maybe boring and expensive gyms everyday and so on). This also reminds me that most of us are females and, there's a part of us that is already adults and so on, but there are some that are still young and I've noticed that this part is "lacking" some things that are maybe basic such as posture (be it walking, eating, whatever), how to dress "healthily" (this includes right bras!), and much more.
I'm sure I'll remember more along the way but I'll just shut up for now...

Uh how about a deco article?!

#266 08-03-2014 00:41:55

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010
Posts: 21425

Re: The Lovely Insider

OMG I just had idea pop in my head!

I would like to do a sign language article. I'm teaching myself ASL and I'm taking a class next year as well!
Every issue could contain a few everyday words and a picture of how to do it and a description of why it's that (cuz every word in sign language has a meaning to it)
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#267 08-03-2014 05:52:07

From: Land of Storms and Sunshine
Registered: 2010
Posts: 4092

Re: The Lovely Insider

Like, when posting on tumblr, separate every article and tag them (e.g. #Fashion Out There, #And You Are) so if a person is looking for a certain article, it'll be easier to look up.
Oh, but like, you'd have to post the magazine from last page to first page to make them look in order. (You can also tag them #Issue no _ so if ppl are looking for a certain issue, they can find it too.)
Oh but then people can't reblog an entire issue- hm well you can also post another post with the entire issue compilation???
Okay, idk, but I feel like it might be somehow sort of useful, so I'll post this anyway.
|Older Art. Updated: 10/17/14| Instagram : p2ionics |
| Twitter : psionic_nerd | Tumblr Writing Blog : under-latest-nostalgia |
Thanks for the ava/sig shadowchild03!

#268 08-03-2014 10:02:51

Registered: 2012
Posts: 235

Re: The Lovely Insider

angelfire wrote:

OMG I just had idea pop in my head!

I would like to do a sign language article. I'm teaching myself ASL and I'm taking a class next year as well!
Every issue could contain a few everyday words and a picture of how to do it and a description of why it's that (cuz every word in sign language has a meaning to it)

This would actually be great! I'm totally for it, please let this happen juseyo!!!

@xemo: Hum... It would be a bit difficult... Both ideas are good, we just need to decide we either post per issue or per article, if that's any clear.
Oh but I remembered! What if, instead of a regular theme that scrolls down, why don't we get a theme that scrolls TO THE SIDES?! When you read, you turn your pages to the sides, right? That way you can post articles alone (instead of the magazine all in one) but they will stay next to each others (since the tags will be bellow and wont exactly disturb). What do you say?
Oh another option would be a two column theme so all pages are seen as a magazine for real, and since they'll be the same size, it looks better, instead of being grided.

Last edited by janghyunae (08-03-2014 10:03:33)

#269 08-03-2014 15:32:04

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: The Lovely Insider

Now that's what I'm talking about! I didn't expect so many girls to apply...let alone be so excited about this! I have a good feeling about this :bisous:

Now...I'm currently working on deciding on whom is going to work on what. It's a great relief to know that I'm not going to be working on them all :D *phew*

But before I communicate any of that, I want to discuss two things:
1. Our presence on the web
2. Our communication regarding the LI
3. Team Name <- I'll tell you why this is important

For our web presence, and as xemo mentioned above, we need to make some decisions. I've been thinking about that in the last few days and came up with some sort of an action plan. But seeing that I've been in la-la-land lately, I want you girls to tell me what you think.

Our Website: The website, I've already started putting an initial design on Wix. I'm trying to think of the best way to have collaboration on that, but so far, it seems like only one person can work on it with one account...Still researching this.

Anyways, our website will get the complete magazine uploaded to it at the beginning of every month. It's not going to be in the form of picture pages like here, but actual combination of images, text and videos. It's going to link to our tumblr and facebook.

Our Tumblr: What I'm thinking is this. Unlike the website, ti's not going to get the whole issue on the first day of the month. Instead, it's going to get an article every day of the month until we run out of them. In the end, we're going to publish one post with all of the picture pages . That way if someone wants to share one page, they can. And if they want the whole thing, they also can. It will encourage people to follow.

I think I found a way to make more than one person admin of one tumblr page, so it's going to be easy for us to each share our finished articles. Of course we'll have to agree on the timeline of which article gets published when

Our Facebook: It's going to be directly linked with our tumblr, and it's going to be a group page. Same admins, most probably, are going to be responsible on sharing the same articles on both.

Is that okay? What do you think?

2. I don't like us spoiling our surprises here on the board. Soooo, I'm torn between depending on:
- PMs and emails
- Google Group
- Faecbook private group

Which one does each of you prefer?

3. We need a name. The free wix template goes like this:
Company/Team Name

I was thinking of some. I don't think I like them, but here they are. If you have ideas, share!
- Bookmark'ed
- WritersAlliance
- Tales About Us

That will also allow us to later, maybe, create different online magazines if we wanted to. All under the same team name.

What do you all think?

P.S: Our first issue is going to be released on the 1st of May. Meaning...we have the rest of this month to finish admin stuff, deciding on who will be working on what, deciding on roles  and next month to finish the articles (give or take).

Last edited by darkelfqueen (08-03-2014 15:33:49)


#270 08-03-2014 15:59:57

Ancien joueur keiramarina

Re: The Lovely Insider

Darkelfqueen wrote:

2. I don't like us spoiling our surprises here on the board. Soooo, I'm torn between depending on:
- PMs and emails
- Google Group
- Faecbook private group

Which one does each of you prefer?

For me, I would much prefer to rely on good old-fashioned PMs and emails as I don't have an account on Google or Facebook xD

Not really sure about the names, they all sound good!


#271 08-03-2014 17:39:34

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010
Posts: 29741

Re: The Lovely Insider

I don't have face book so either PM's or Google Group is awesome by me. :)

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#272 08-03-2014 20:22:19

Registered: 2012
Posts: 235

Re: The Lovely Insider

darkelfqueen wrote:

Our Website: The website, I've already started putting an initial design on Wix. I'm trying to think of the best way to have collaboration on that, but so far, it seems like only one person can work on it with one account...Still researching this.

I've known WIX for a while and I never saw any feature that would allow multi-admin/multi-account..

darkelfqueen wrote:

Our Tumblr: What I'm thinking is this. Unlike the website, ti's not going to get the whole issue on the first day of the month. Instead, it's going to get an article every day of the month until we run out of them. In the end, we're going to publish one post with all of the picture pages . That way if someone wants to share one page, they can. And if they want the whole thing, they also can. It will encourage people to follow.

I think I found a way to make more than one person admin of one tumblr page, so it's going to be easy for us to each share our finished articles. Of course we'll have to agree on the timeline of which article gets published when

This is easy and you can do in 2 ways. One: You can get a general email we can all log in and the tumblr will be created with that (can also be used on WIX). Two: If each one of us has their own tumblr account (or someone lends them their account), side blogs allow multi-admins, which you invite by their tumblr account's email. The only "down" is that you cannot follow people, only be followed, and when reblogging from the main dash, you'll have to choose the correct blog before posting!
But the way of posting you mentioned sounds great to me!

darkelfqueen wrote:

Our Facebook: It's going to be directly linked with our tumblr, and it's going to be a group page. Same admins, most probably, are going to be responsible on sharing the same articles on both.

WE'RE HAVING A FACEBOOK?! You know if the facebook is linked to the tumblr account, whenever you post something on tumblr, it will automatically appear on facebook.

darkelfqueen wrote:

2. I don't like us spoiling our surprises here on the board. Soooo, I'm torn between depending on:
- PMs and emails
- Google Group
- Faecbook private group

I've got all of these but I'd much rather PMs, even more emails because apparently there are some that do not have facebook and others who have it just because (-raises hand-)

darkelfqueen wrote:

3. We need a name. The free wix template goes like this:
Company/Team Name

Something simple... But I like (as in Lovely Insider, also did you know "Li" stands for "I've read" in portuguese? That's why whenever I read LI I would actually be like "Yes, I've read and I do read LI!!!")

#273 08-03-2014 21:08:00

From: Anywhere
Registered: 2010
Posts: 1893

Re: The Lovely Insider

Well, for one thing, I am not allowed to go on Facebook, but Tumblr and all that other stuff is fine by me. Second, I would rather private messages and e-mails, rather than Google Circles because for me, Google Circles is for family and friend communication. And I can't for Facebook, so yeah. As for the name, I really like Bookmark'ed or Tales About Us. Bookmark'ed is my favorite. Will add more to this later... :)

The Mauraders were alive that night, all four of them, you know, but it wasn't the same; only three were true and one was gone, and the one that was gone shouldn't have been. But they were together, again, and in that moment, they knew, they would never say goodbye.

#274 08-03-2014 22:54:04

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010
Posts: 21425

Re: The Lovely Insider

I know how set up you are on wix and everything but if you do want more than one admin/editor, I know webs(dotcom) does that.

Social Media:
I only have
So either of those work for me. We can also communicate through tumblr.

OMDians* <-- This is going to be a thing
WritersAlliance (yours)

For those wondering how it's pronounced...I'm saying it as oh-em-di-unz

Last edited by angelfire (08-03-2014 22:55:00)
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#275 09-03-2014 17:46:52

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: The Lovely Insider

I can't really using something OMD related as a title if we're going to have this as a website outside of OMD. Copyright issues. As much as I want to :(

I went with Writer Alliance since most of you girls liked it. I also went with lovely-insider since li would have made it very hard for us to be discoverable through search engines. THERE WERE A LOT OF LI's OUT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did however add a Did you know tip on our home page saying what Janghyunae posted about...That 'li' means 'I've read'. THAT WAS WAY TOO COOL!

Oh the reason I didn't go with webs is because the templates are so limited and our website would have looked like any other website. Wix also is better if we ever wanted to purchase our own domain and make it an official magazine ;)

oh. It seems like we're going to go with emails and PM then. I will make sure to email each of you on her own to avoid sharing your email with the others if you don't feel comfortable.

Finally, I'm now looking at all of your requests and matching you with articles. I've PMed some of you qith questions regarding their preferences ;)

If you prefer me to contact you through email, lemme know!


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