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Very big and definitely interesting. It's my number 1 school of choice and the tuition is 10 grand. I live close to I'll have to drive but I could also love on campus which is another 10-11 grand.
44 Well, you're applying for scholarships and financial aid, no?
Scholarships and grants, yes. Dad doesn't want me to do financial aid. He wants my first 4years clear of debt
45 good point. I didn't apply for it until my fourth year.
So there ya go. I have a lot of college to do and UC is putting in a med program so i may be able to stay in town for that if I wished
45 try to stay in the same state yeah. Stay very far away from out-of-state tuition. Seriously not worth it.
In state at UC is 10k. That's so cheap compared to out of state. That's 25k. Harvard is 40k either way.
Nice Twin!!
Soo...Today is the first time I found out that you have to pay back Financial Aid. I just assumed that since it's Fincancial AID, it would help pay off for college. I didn't think one would have to pay back the money they didn't pay >.>
My ACT date is the 12th >.<
Really Twin? You didn't know that?
No! I'm completely surprised!! I saw you and Darky posting about it and then I asked my mom about it.
Been awhile everyone xD
Hey Melodie
Well then, Twin lol
:pleur: I'm still 60+ episodes behinds :pleur:
Hey guys ^^
44 Aloha rukia
Angel, I've heard that others did receive grants through financial aid. When I applied for it, the only offer I received was a loan.
Page ten this quick?
Here is the new part: