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So I'm currently on the 2 and half month summer break the US has but am still slammed in school work since my butt didn't do her Junior English class online during the school year and then got into too much to finish and is trying to finish 6 months of English in the next month so I can take the college English Course next year...phew. That was a lot to say lol.
Anybody else still working on school work?
Well I'm supposed to learn German for an exam in a month but the laziness is killing me .
I don't get summer breaks because of homeschooling. Thanks to my mom for that.
Last edited by spiderwick9 (26-06-2014 23:54:26)
haha... since our school's scheduling here is a March-May summer break I just recently started school. And by recently I mean a month ago and my midterms are next week ohgosh.
im moving , so no break for me ! :(
does college work count? (skipable)if so, *deep breath* 3 works for monday + 2 extra works and a fearsome test to study for tuesday + a 327452364 pages long boring text to read for a test on wednsday aaand i did not even begin to do any of those and lazyness is KILLING me and i already failed to deliver 2 works this week after a sleepless night.(/skipable)
on the other hand, thanks to the field trip, where not everyone will have to go, i'll have a 1week break
i live in south emisphere so it would be a winter break instead. IF we had a 2~3 month long break in the midle of the year in my country xP
lol, Dark.
This is the fun part about this topic because everybody's countries do school differently.
Well, to update my work. I went from 54% to 70% this week with finishing this class of English. It's in 2 parts and I still have 30% of part 1 and all of part 2 to do.
We can all do it girlies!!! I'm stuck between work and school myself.
let's hope so :ok:
i'm a procrastinator of the most procrastinating type... :hypn: i hope i won't need to stay up all night again.
This is the first year that I haven't taken any summer classes or a job. I feel so useless 0.0
You take summer classes/jobs every year angel? Wow. Now I feel like my summers were useless O_O
@dark: hehe, this'd be perfect for both of us then.
Yup. For middle and elementary school I used to homeschool so there was never a break persay, like Spi. Then I took Geometry for the summer of 9th Grade and Ancient Civ for 10th grade. I also had a photography job in 19th grade for a robotics camp that ran the whole summer. It was paid which made me happy :D They wanted me to come back again this year but I wasn't going to stay in state this summer. We be traveling which is also why I didn't take a class.
I finished all education on 10th June... it was my last exam. Now it's either University or work.... if I get the grades I shall go to university - if not then i shall try and find work. :ok:
Just finished my MidTerms. Now waiting for my results but have to start studying after a week or so cause End of the Term 'tests' are in 3 weeks.
And I'm moving back to my native country and there they start their year in January so I have to do year 8 for another 4 months again if I want finish my O Levels by 2016.
And I've gotten really weak in my own language so I'm gonna have to start taking classes in that as well. *sigh*
@xemoxrockerx: LOL that DEFINELY is perfect! :star:
hm... some people do useful stuf in summer vacation every year, and feel useless when they don't... and i spent one whole year doing nearly nothing(besides a couple months of archery class twice a week plus re-taking the test to enter college plus japanese class on some saturdays)
2/3of the monday work done and i forgot to study for the tests on tuesday and wednesday aaaaand i still did not even begin to do the stuf for tuesday...
Well, I bumped my work up to 75% complete. Almost finished with this unit over a book called the "Awakening" that I read nothing about. I don't have time to read'm just somehow passing everything with common sense. I've got a 90% on all the quizzes lol.
I dont like school. Summer started long ago but i feel like it jsut started. I mean all the work i do in the summer is surpose to be for school. If we r doing school work in the summer then what is the point of summer break. If they r giving us summer break they should at least give as no stinking school work!
Congrats, Bloody! <33
Tell me about it, Coolkattastic.
Ahhh this reminds me that I start school this month and I haven't been for a year, so I'm all kinds of stressed and nervous and feel like I'm way behind on getting my degree bahumbug
Don't even mention school to me, ugh.
I got my schedule recently, and even though I got one of the classes I was hoping for and I have most of my classes with one of my best friends, I really don't want to go back.
And next week I have to go back for training for this program where the older students take care of the kids coming into our school cause we're a charter school. I only ended up getting 2 months of summer cause I have to go in early, which sucks. Oh well, at least this is my last year here.
I had to study Polish, Algebra, and reteach myself to play flute at an intermediate level. :P At least I get to be the youngest kid in Geometry class. >:D My brother was a few classes ahead when he started high school, and everyone thought he was a senior who transferred. XD
loads of my holiday has already gone, started, 10th June and Now 29th August....
I got the grades to go to Uni! (just) And I don't leave till 27th September, then it's freshers week so I won't start till October. I don't know what I'm gonna do for a month?!
All my friends are leaving sooner and I'm going to be sooooo bored!!!!! I'm already bored
i'm only hoping the 2 risky disciplines i have will get me enough score(if the way i said it made any sence at all)
BUT YEAH I'M ON VACATION NOW! but i'll be back on october :c
till then, i'll relax and hope my scores help(at one of the group works, half of my team disappeared all of sudden, then my teamate and i had to do everything in a rush and such x_X)