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#1 22-07-2014 03:10:42

Registered: 2009
Posts: 73

Bug or Not? (Belgian National Day gift)

So I logged into my main account (around 6 pm EST), loved the outfit and it appeared in my loft no problem. But due to weather issues by my house (severe thunderstorms) I had turned off my computer, since it was really close and I didn't want the lightening to potentially kill my computer (it has happened before so...). About an hour later I got back on and started logging into my alts. but they haven't been able to get the outfit, but they didn't have any other issues.
I was wondering if this was a bug or not, since no time limitation was posted besides "today", which would mean 24 hours. Normally I log in around 6 pm EST, I know that's when the new day starts, but it is never a problem for getting gifts and would imply that I got it yesterday if that was the issue.

"It doesn't matter if I lose. Everybody is unsuccessful the first time. The chance of tripping gracefully is slim. Still, I'm able to become a bit stronger."

#2 22-07-2014 06:43:00

Registered: 2010
Posts: 992

Re: Bug or Not? (Belgian National Day gift)

I didn't get it, either, and I log in every day.

The same thing happened with another gift not too recently.  If you logged in during a certain timeframe you got it, but if not, you didn't.


#3 22-07-2014 08:26:55

Registered: 2011
Posts: 19

Re: Bug or Not? (Belgian National Day gift)

I have 4 acc'ts: silverbast, missysil, grandmasil, silverbast2 and my granddaughter has lemoncupcake.  We didn't get the dress on any acc't and I'm sure I logged in on all every day!  I just didn't look at loft to see if the dress was there yesterday.  I was running to get it done early as I had other things to do.  It gave pay and let me vote, so should have been after turnover.


#4 22-07-2014 18:15:14

Registered: 2009
Posts: 73

Re: Bug or Not? (Belgian National Day gift)

But if they don't state any time frame besides 'log in today' so a whole day, isn't that a bit unfair to players that only log in once a day, but at least everyday?

"It doesn't matter if I lose. Everybody is unsuccessful the first time. The chance of tripping gracefully is slim. Still, I'm able to become a bit stronger."

#5 22-07-2014 18:58:33

Queen of the Supernatural
From: Crystal Realm
Registered: 2010
Posts: 742

Re: Bug or Not? (Belgian National Day gift)

I think it depends on when you log in. Say if the gift is given out on (random day) July 21, you can't log in and expect to get that gift right after roll over when July 21 starts in France, because it's still midnight there and no one is working on such things until at least 6 am give or take.
So if I log in at 3 pm everyday (when it's 12 midnight in France) I actually may not get any special gifts they offer, especially if I am off by just a few minutes. I know, it's confusing. This is why I try to log in TWICE - once in the morning and once in the afternoon - to make sure I don't miss anything.
A while back they had that Italian dress gift, and most of my dolls did not get it because I must have been late for that day. It's really annoying.

It has gotten cold, brr~ Happy Holidays to you and yours!

#6 22-07-2014 19:47:55

Registered: 2009
Posts: 73

Re: Bug or Not? (Belgian National Day gift)

-rolls around- So I need to free up more time to log in earlier....

"It doesn't matter if I lose. Everybody is unsuccessful the first time. The chance of tripping gracefully is slim. Still, I'm able to become a bit stronger."

#7 22-07-2014 21:20:15

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010
Posts: 29741

Re: Bug or Not? (Belgian National Day gift)

Or Feerik can follow US time on this sever cause.. it's the US server.. ?

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#8 22-07-2014 22:23:58

Santa's Senior Assistant
Registered: 2010
Posts: 673

Re: Bug or Not? (Belgian National Day gift)

malu wrote:
Or Feerik can follow US time on this sever cause.. it's the US server.. ?

That would be incredibly convenient for us, but could prove problematic for Feerik... as there are 10 different international versions, each having its own time zone. I'm sure it's doable... I'm just not sure if it's a high priority, given the many areas needing attention to run a game like this.
But, boy, it sure would be nice :star:

Moreover, I don't think the key issue is so much one of "time zones" as it is "time allotted"... based on my observations, the real problem is that the gifts are being awarded on a "calendar" day... not a "chronological" day.

What I mean is that the offer is active only for a specific day, in this case Monday... but it may not necessarily begin at rollover on Monday (which is midnight in France).  It seems to me that the most recent gifts have been "loaded" several hours after rollover... probably at the start of the French business day (9:00 a.m., according to their Forum).  Despite the fact that the items are "loaded" later in the "day", the window of opportunity "expires" at the end of the "calendar" day (Monday)... not 24 hours after it begins, which would be a full "chronological" (by the clock) day.  This means that players who log in at, or shortly after, rollover will miss out on the gift... unless they log in a second time before rollover the next day.  For some players, this may not even be possible... especially when they don't know there is a specific reason to do so, since the NEWS is posted after they have come & gone.

In other words, I think (emphasis on think) the gifts are not accessible for a "full" day... so those who log in before, or after, the "partial" time window miss out.

Beginning with the Valentine's Day doggie earlier this year, players have reported problems with not getting their gift due to this "gap" in the time "overlap"... I have seen multiple "BUGS" reports for every subsequent gift offer, on both the French and US servers.

There are two easy fixes for this problem that don't require implementing multiple time zones for different international servers:

1) Automate the offer, allowing it to begin AT rollover each day (which is how I believe it used to be), or...
2) Activate the offer for a 24 HOUR period once it begins... allowing those whose schedules require logging in at rollover the chance to receive the gift at rollover the next day, which is still within the 24 hour timeframe (or one "chronological" day).
:sad: My own daughters missed out on the Chinese rocking horse, which was quite disappointing.  We have been very diligent about trying to make sure not to hit this "time void" again, when our schedule permits... although, with work & school, this can be difficult.


#9 22-07-2014 22:57:37

Registered: 2009
Posts: 73

Re: Bug or Not? (Belgian National Day gift)

I was able to get the Valentine doggie and Chinese rocking horse, even though it was the same time frame, or "time void", as this one... on all of my alts., so I thought that it was a potential bug. I randomly visit the forum and lurk around, so I guess it never clicked that this happened more than once...(which is another reason I never know what's going on in the fashion show :honte: )
So for now till a solution is found for this type of problem, would be to either log in twice or just log in earlier?

"It doesn't matter if I lose. Everybody is unsuccessful the first time. The chance of tripping gracefully is slim. Still, I'm able to become a bit stronger."

#10 23-07-2014 01:35:38

Registered: 2010
Posts: 93

Re: Bug or Not? (Belgian National Day gift)

It shouldn't matter what time you log in as long as it was on the day in question!  If you were logged in that day, it should have been there for you when the turn over happened.  It's very bad planning if it wasn't.  I don't really care a lot, but, at the same time I want them to for once be fair about things. Either it was for the 21st or just the hours between such and such.  They should specify that.


#11 23-07-2014 03:35:20

Registered: 2009
Posts: 73

Re: Bug or Not? (Belgian National Day gift)

I went through just about all of the posts in the 'News' section and came up with a list of national holidays that Feerik tends to send gifts or have item hunts (excluding major holidays ex. Christmas)
Chinese New Year -January 31
Women's Day - either on March 8 or 9
Europe Day - May 9 (one year they had a gift, one year they had a quest the next they repeated the quest, and once it seems that it was on May 1)
Quebec National Holiday - either on June 22, 24 or 25  (each year it's different and I don't know why, but the idea that in that range might be something)
The 4th of July (it seems that they tend to skip a year on gifting for this holiday, so with the current pattern hopefully next year there will be something)
Algerian national holiday - July 5
French national holiday - July 14 (every year without fail so far)
Belgium national holiday - July 21
Morocco national holiday - either July 30 or 31
Switzerland national holiday - August 1
Sarah's Birthday/ Anniversary of the site - seems to be the last week of September, though one year it was the last week of August
Chinese national holiday - October 1
German national holiday - October 3

Hopefully this helps in knowing which days to be careful on for the "time void"...
@silverbast - that's what I thought...

"It doesn't matter if I lose. Everybody is unsuccessful the first time. The chance of tripping gracefully is slim. Still, I'm able to become a bit stronger."

#12 23-07-2014 04:53:32

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010
Posts: 21425

Re: Bug or Not? (Belgian National Day gift)

I could've sworn that I logged in before the event ended. I didn't get it either. This is really weird.
I logged in that morning and again a little bit in the afternoon (My time). I came a few hours after the news post. No matter what time zone you're in, you should be able to get it for 24 hours.
I've always logged in at 5pm EST (11pm French time) and I'd always be able to get a gift. Even if was put up the following day. Most gifts have been up at France's midnight OR a few hours later. But no matter what, it has been up for 24 hours from the moment the gift was there.
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
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#13 23-07-2014 19:59:58

Registered: 2009
Posts: 73

Re: Bug or Not? (Belgian National Day gift)

According to the French forum

To receive the dress, it was necessary to connect Monday, July 21 from 9 am (approximately) 23:59.
sorry :/

So the time frame was about 15 hours....from 3 am EST to 5:59 pm EST for, I assume, all gifts like this.
Thank you, n0regrets for sending me the link: … 45&p=3
I don't know why you didn't get it, angelfire, I really have no clue; and that makes me really question about where to make time to log in here, since you logged in multiple times in the time frame ...

"It doesn't matter if I lose. Everybody is unsuccessful the first time. The chance of tripping gracefully is slim. Still, I'm able to become a bit stronger."

#14 25-07-2014 00:56:36

Registered: 2010
Posts: 93

Re: Bug or Not? (Belgian National Day gift)

So the time frame was about 15 hours....from 3 am EST to 5:59 pm EST for, I assume, all gifts like this.

This has never been specified at any place on this game.  It's totally possible to program it's appearance at turn over on the previous work day.  I feel bad for those who were really wanting it.  My 7 yr old granddaughter for one.  Sorry, kids in the US can't be up half the night to do that.  If it's stated as 21st or what ever, it should be for the full 24 hours.  You have players from all time zones around the world.  They are all ages.  Please try to program appropriately for all.  It really is possible if you really care.


#15 25-07-2014 04:09:20

From: Canada
Registered: 2010
Posts: 1380

Re: Bug or Not? (Belgian National Day gift)

Madara - thanks for the list, that's very helpful!
I'm pretty sure Sarah's birthday is the same as my oldest son - August 24, because I remember missing out on that gorgeous butterfly dress they gave us for her birthday two years ago, but the lovelies Willowskye and n0regrets went to bat for me and Feerik gifted it to me anyway even though I was offline, having a baby in the hospital. So, I never forget it now since she shares her birthday with a very special little man in my life :)

#16 25-07-2014 10:25:37

Registered: 2007
Posts: 1208

Re: Bug or Not? (Belgian National Day gift)

Hi girls,
We are aware that time zones can create quite some difficulties especially if it's about getting a gift that is limited on a really short period of time.
We will try to keep the offers activated for at least 24 hours in the future, so everyone should be able to get the gifts at their regular login times.

Please know that there is a customer support center at your disposal for any issues that can not be solved here on the forum or that request someone of the staff to have a look :)


#17 25-07-2014 22:18:25

Registered: 2011
Posts: 19

Re: Bug or Not? (Belgian National Day gift)

Thank you for trying to keep them for 24 hours.  That would be very nice.

Customer support has not been very helpful to me the past 2 yrs.  Sorry.  But, it's true.

Love playing this game, but, have all sorts of problems.  Now my granddaughter is as well.  They are same old ones and nothing has ever changed no matter how many times I've submitted a ticket.  It's just all my fault.  Amazingly, my com pu ter and con nection work on every other site I play, just not here evidently. 


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