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I thought of this game when a riddle popped into mind.
So how do we play?
The first player will post a riddle and the second player will answer it and also post a riddle of her own.
The answer can be a silly one you can make or you can actually solve it. Doesn't matter! It's all in fun.
And don't forget to follow board rules! :D
I'll start.
If Red house is made out of red bricks and if yellow house is made out of yellow bricks and red house is made of red bricks, what is green house made of?
glass I think :D
You are a bus driver. At the 1st stop, 20 people get on. At the 2nd stop, 4 people get on and 10 people get off. At the 3rd stop 13 people get on and 2 people get off. At the 3rd stop, 3 people get on and no one gets off. At the 4th stop 3 people get on and 12 people get off. What color are the bus drivers eyes?
Ahh! Took me a while! Hazel! :D
You have a fox, a chicken and a sack of grain. You must cross a river with only one of them at a time. If you leave the fox with the chicken he will eat it; if you leave the chicken with the grain he will eat it. How can you get all three across safely?
You take the chicken across first. Then you go back and get the grain. When dropping off the grain take the chicken back with you and swap it for the fox. So then you have and grain and chicken on the other side. Then make a final trip and pick up the chicken again.
My riddle: What can you catch but not throw?
A cold?
Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you die. What is it?
The world. (In other words I have no clue)
What flower, when you put two of them together, goes straight up to the sky?
Rocket? <- stupid answer, wasn't it?
I can fly but I have no wings. I can cry but I have no eyes. Wherever I go, darkness follows me. What am I?
A cloud. Fly = float Cry = rain Darkness = shadows cast by it
(This is more of a joke than anything.) What is invisible and smells like carrots?
I will disappear every time you say my name. What am I?
No, the answer was bunny farts. >w<
What holds a golden treasure protected by a white dome with no entrance, but is still broken into?
Lunch served at a fancy restaurant :3 You know in the little tray things ^^
You walk into a room with a rabbit holding a carrot, a pig eating slop, and a chimp holding a banana. Who's the smartest in the room?
rabbit holding a carrot?
What suits do lawyers wear?
Good to know it's not you that's the smartest :P
Law Suits :D
What's Black, White, and Red all over?
Last edited by angelfire (24-05-2014 20:03:51)
A sick Panda?
What does Razzi call his father?
A newspaper :D
Everyone has me but nobody can lose me. Who am I?
It's Paparazzi!
Hum.. Air?
What's the longest word in the world?
I run but never walk. I murmur but never talk. I have a bed but I never sleep. What am I ?
Hm... A jogging machine?
I get wet when drying. I get dirty when wiping. What am I?