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Calculated how many Death Note episodes there are left... I should be done by tomorrow, that's the reason I'm proud.
I got out of having to help my dad shave the dog! We have to shave her in the summer so she can cool off, she doesn't shed.
~No itchy eyes! :fete:
Started watching Naruto again!
I didn't stay up late.
Was able to keep myself from screaming and crying in the middle of class due to my extremely bad stomachache!
~Not a happy day :hypn:
that sounds terrible Ice.
I pout one of my first finished avatars and signatures up on my new shop! all thanks to Keira and Bloody. <3
Nothing. So far today I've done absolutely nothing. YES! :D
Eating :mang:
Did math... somewhat-happily. Yaaaaaay.
Got better at chess!
Paint lemons! :) They turned out pretty good. :)
Made Fried Rice!!