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What's You'r Drink?
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Last edited by ilovejasmine (19-07-2014 22:01:59)
Prefer Coke over Pepsi and Coffee over Tea. :-)
Bit confused cause the titles about soft drinks and tea but there's a discussion about smoothies? Lol.
I love my tea and smoothies - I love strawberries. :3
both pepsi and coke taste the same to me... and usualy the places that offer one don't offer the other one, so... whatever.
and when people ask me if i wanr tea OR coffee i'm like:
darkjewels wrote:
both pepsi and coke taste the same to me... and usualy the places that offer one don't offer the other one, so... whatever.
and when people ask me if i wanr tea OR coffee i'm like: … 267544.jpg
That is kinda true. Here in the U.S there are some places that offer both but youll see both rarely .. i wonder why?
I think it has to do with the contracts that are signed.
If each brand is the only one sold in a specific location, like a stadium or movie theater, it helps them that much more with brand awareness and overall sales.
I actually don't like Coke or Pepsi. I don't like any type of soda. I really hate it because in my opinion it tastes bad, it's quite unhealthy and it burns my throat. So no thanks.
I also don't like tea or coffee. I just... don't. But I do like smoothies. Smoothies are great! Banana and strawberry smoothies, watermelon smoothies, just banana, just strawberry, blueberry, chocolate, grape... I love all types of smoothies! Especially watermelon, grape and banana & strawberry! Smoothies are life. Oh and tasty water and of course juice. I really love milkshakes too... Milkshakes are different from smoothies, no ?
Milkshakes are milky. Smoothies are smooth. :>
I actually do notice a difference between Pepsi and Coke. I like Pepsi better and apparently Pepsi is 'healthier' (well, as healthy as half a bottle of sugar can get) and has more vanilla?
I get slightly ill after drinking Pepsi but not as much I get ill after drinking coke.
I try to avoid fizzy stuff altogether though.
Yea, The Difference Between Coke And Pepsi Is That Pepsi Is Healthier Because It Has Less Sodium .
Coke Has More Taste Due To More Sodium...
Tea of course is way healthier than coffee due to the herbs and everything in it. The coffee contains more sugars but you can never go wrong with starbucks and frape on december..
GIRLS ! GIRLS ! You are Right Smothies a day keep the doctor away ! Fresh Vitamin C and great nutrients :)
Wow, that's for clearing that up ilovejasmine! :D Now I know the difference! I feel smarter.
malu wrote:
Wow, that's for clearing that up ilovejasmine! :D Now I know the difference! I feel smarter.
You Welcome, You Are Smart
Last edited by ilovejasmine (21-07-2014 23:20:56)
Has anybody ever tried Chai Tea or a Chai Tea Latte?
That and pre-sweetened Iced Tea are about the only ways you can get me to drink tea, unless it's the powdered kind that you mix with water.
Haha - Thanks. :D
I love Chai, Laura. :D (Did you know Chai is the Indian word for Tea?)
Last edited by malu (22-07-2014 16:05:05)
laurabow wrote:
Has anybody ever tried Chai Tea or a Chai Tea Latte?
That and pre-sweetened Iced Tea are about the only ways you can get me to drink tea, unless it's the powdered kind that you mix with water.
i may have had chai once or twice but i can't remember...
maybe telling what the recipe is will refresh my memory?
Dark, How my aunt makes it is that she basically takes normal black tea, put it into water and boils it with cinnamon or some other spices. Afterwards we add milk and sugar to it.
malu wrote:
I love Chai, Laura. :D (Did you know Chai is the Indian word for Tea?)
I read that recently and saying Chai Tea sounds kind of funny when you think of it, because you're saying Tea Tea.
Kind of like saying ATM machine. :-P
My first taste of Chai was a Chai Tea Latte at a coffee shop, which is probably nowhere near what the real thing is like, but it sure tasted good.
It took me a while to figure out that chai in english was a flavor of tea. I didn't know what flavor cuz all I knew was that Chai = tea so to me, "Chai" has hundreds of flavors ^^
Speaking of tea...I like passion fruit flavored.
I've never tried passion fruit flavor. I have some herbal mango tea.. I've only drank it hot & it was nasty! Maybe its a southern thing, but I seem to only like fruity flavored tea if its over ice! I drink a lot of green tea though..
@malu; laurabow: i think i never had chai, then XD(as far as i can remember). i'm giving my mother a suggestion to make this tea :P
@cocobelle: or maybe you hated it because it was mango? some fruit just don't taste good in another form than in natura or icecream x_X what other fruit flavors have your tried(hot tea)?
coincidentialy or not, the only fruit tea i use to like are from red fruits(berries, apple, pomegranate, etc)
or lemon (:V)
I Might Be The Only One Who Hasn't Tried That ! :)