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Hello dollz !
We finally have our new revamped levels!
A little reminder on what is changing:
Due to high demand, we have decided to revamp the different levels so you can all take advantage of it!
Along with the exclusive prizes, you will earn 5$$$ every 10 levels!
To compensate players who have already progressed quite a bit in levels, you will earn 1 extra dollar per day to your usual salary. You will get as many days as the levels you've passed!
Caution: "The day countdown" starts tonight at midnight (french time)
But that's not all: an exclusive prize, never seen before on Ohmydollz, awaits those who reached level 100!
Players that have made considerable progress in levels will of course get all their well deserved benefits!
For example: If you are level 101, you will earn 1 extra dollar per day for 101 days, you will receive 50 $ (10x5$) and the super exclusive prize!
Have fun on OhMyDollz!
YAY! After signing in and visiting my loft. I saw a little notice for the once you reach level 100 exclusive prize. I'm sure all the 100+ people are going to be super happy when they sign in today. Way to go OMD!
What`s the prize? A larger condo?
That's really cool, but I'm 50 levels away from 100 D:
question! :quoi:
If I get to levle 40, do I get some extra days with extra 1 dollar?
shutupandletmego wrote:
question! :quoi:
If I get to levle 40, do I get some extra days with extra 1 dollar?
No. You only get the extra day money if you've done any of the levels before this post went up.
So if you were level one you get nothing. If you were level 10 you'd get an extra 1$$$ for 10 days. If you were level 56 you'll get an extra 1$$ for 56 days.
If you were level one, you'll get the extra money by just doing the levels.
Cool :)
Very cool. Now I just have to go up in levels. As of now, only on level four.