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Hi dollz !
Today starts the japan expo!
To celebrate, we have decided to show you two new dresses from the Asian shop.
Have a look at the two new hairstyles too in the makeover section.
Wow! Look at this!
This is a Flash sale so don't wait too long!
You have 24H only starting now!
A special draw will be done amongst those who purchased this dress, the winner will win 35$$$!
Have fun dollz !
Wow, someone will get this dress like for free! Cool! But I am not purchasing it, I have no time for this. BtW that 1st outifit is so cute! KAWAII!
A special draw? That means we need to draw the dress and we have the chance to win 35 db?
mikeyla96 wrote:
A special draw? That means we need to draw the dress and we have the chance to win 35 db?
No, it means prize draw. As in the name of each person who buys one will be put in a prize draw and the one picked will get their 35 $$ back.
Ok i can not find the two hairstyles at all in the makeup secion where could they be? Also do they come in diffrent colos as well?
Last edited by summersky69 (30-06-2011 17:58:14)
Did you check under Short and Medium Hair? You may have clicked on Long Hair. And, some hairstyles come in different colors. They may come in brown and black, but not pink, etc.
I love the Flash Sale dress! I also like the idea of getting your money back. :)
:omd: Cute dresses but I will have to save up for the next flash sale.
Thanks i did find them after a while thanks again for the info.