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  •  » Peru room NOT appearing before or after quest

#1 06-08-2014 11:05:51

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009
Posts: 3287

Peru room NOT appearing before or after quest

It was fixed about an hour after the quest appeared.

Okay, the Quest name is Latin America but I can't change the title of my post. 

I'm sure that they will fix it in an hour or two.  It's a little after four am here; I couldn't sleep...

I went ahead and done the quest on my main doll, both endings.  The job shows up but the room does not, as of 4:20 am central standard time.

Last edited by sierradane (06-08-2014 21:50:51)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

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  •  » Peru room NOT appearing before or after quest

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