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Hi everyone! I think there are 2 years since I've never been on my profile, but I had to move out in France with my whole family.
However, the most important thing is that now I can have fun again with you.:aomd_fan:
I wasn't here 2 years ago, but just wanted to say hi and welcome back!
wellcome back! :omd:
welcome back :gai: :fete:
Welcome back!
I'm back too, more or less! It's been like two years for me too haha o/
Last edited by jj-panda-chan (21-08-2014 08:03:06)
JJ!!! Welcome back :3
how're you and cookie doing?
Oh, I think I remember you Diana~
Hey JJ!
My sis is in college in a different country now, I don't see her often. I'm doing well though!!
Last edited by jj-panda-chan (22-08-2014 04:34:55)
wellcome back 2 JJ! :omd:
i bet cookie will be too busy in college so we won't see her soon then :hypn: