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I'm working on my DVing this morning and after both voting and commenting, I got these messages:
and when I intentially voted for someone who I had just voted for, I got the "you've already voted for them" message in French:
That brief case is where we work and the head is where we change our looks. But where do we TRAIN now? Not sure if this is a bug as opposed to a new look; if so, maybe someone can move this to the other forum.
No "Last 100" votes button either.... this is messed up. Maybe they are re-doing the site again, but it would be nice to have a "heads up" about it first.
But here is my doll on the French site:
Last edited by sierradane (23-08-2014 15:18:06)
I'm getting that too and I agree, I think they're changing a few things around.
I'm half excited about this.
I know that it's messed up my morning DVing... no "last 100" etc.... maybe it will be fixed by the time I get back from town