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That's so cute and awesome and woah :D
103 I know. Angel is the little sis I never had!
How's everyone doing?
Last edited by darkelfqueen (05-09-2014 14:35:20)
I'm such a forgotten memory...
I managed to do the quest on my main the other day through my phone so no worries on it. *sigh*
103 You're not!! I just assumed Angel did it and well didn't go doing it again to avoid duplication...Most probably I should've asked, though...Sorry, bloodsy :(
You are not! I was about to do on one of your dolls later today, but you got to it before me.
Do you want it on any other ones?
And thanks guys :3 I luf you all so much *hugs*
You know what I really want ?
I want to be able to use [s][/s] , [center][/center] and [yt][/yt] on this forum
You know how much easier it would be to make a layout thing if that were possible? Why shouldn't you be able to do that though? A lot of other forums allow that setting in their posts.
I also want animated signatures , bigger space for them and what about the spoiler?! We can use the quote why can't we use the the spoiler alert too?!
Uhhhh there are way too many rules.
108 Do you think we could bring this up in the requests and feedback section?
Yeah I guess we could but as I said ... We are 10-20 people here on board so I don't think they will change the forum just for us.
110 Weeelll.....I don't know. Maybe it would make it more fun. It will make the boards more attractive?
Uh maybe ... It also annoys me that the french version gets all the cool stuff that we don't.
111 Yeah like the free gift you just get for browsing, the Gazette, the colorful form of the board.
Well the rules like animated signature and signature size are English forum rules. The mods make those rules not Feerik. We'd have to ask them why it's the way it is.
But you know lately people don't really follow the signature size rule anymore.
113 Ehem...for the longest time now, I didn't know about the signature size rules. I mean I remembered they couldn't be animated and of course I didn't like people who put too long of a signature, but yeah...I found out about this last year while working on a sig for someone who knew the rules.
Well I remember that I had once a signature that was like a few pixels bigger because I didn't notice and I got a warning for it .
I pointed this out before but the reason why the signature size annoys are the few pixels on the right side left empty.
I knew there had to be a rule so it's why I looked up if there was.
But the few pixels on the right annoy me too.
Last edited by angelfire (06-09-2014 16:33:41)
Eh yeah maybe it's time for some rules updates
116 Yup. Speaking of Sigs, I love yours Ruki. Everytime I see it I think it's really unique.
Really? Thanks. I got the idea from a song.
118 I don't think I ever asked you this. What's your favorite music genre? Songs?
I like both pop and rock, rock more than pop but. I change favorite songs quite often. This week's favorite is Make a move.
What about you?
120 My song library is a bit all over the place. Changes according to my mood. I like Trance, Pop and Symphonic Metal. Some Rock too.
Any singers or bands you like the most?