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#176 06-09-2014 21:39:03

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Matched Rp

I chuckled before hearing that they started to call out names.

((I think there are people before Felicia?))


#177 06-09-2014 22:22:20

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010
Posts: 21425

Re: Matched Rp

(( I think it's last name?))

I tensed up as someone tapped me. Relieved it was Isaac I got up and followed him.
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#178 07-09-2014 01:08:08

Registered: 2011
Posts: 578

Re: Matched Rp


I watched as each individual, like me, scatter to their seats that were registered to them. when i got to the a seat with a golden table cloth with the name "lea" on a paper attached to a bouquet of pink Lilly's. Flower of death. Nice job for making me feeling any less nervous. oh well. At least everything is in process.

I was about to relax and wait for the ceremony to continue when suddenly, I spotted that guy [Isaac ], tapping and whispering something to a girl in a elegant blue dress. I watch them for a second before they the girl started tailing the stranger from before. oh no. This is not good.

"What's wrong?" Father ask when he rwach our table. Without answering him, I quickly tailed both the girl and the stranger [Isaac and Zyanis], knowing that father will be behind following.


#179 07-09-2014 01:29:53

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010
Posts: 21425

Re: Matched Rp

I noticed someone following us. "Do you think we'll find the person who started the fire?" I said to Isaac just loud enough for the other person to hear.
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#180 07-09-2014 01:54:02

From: If I knew I'd tell you
Registered: 2010
Posts: 3138

Re: Matched Rp
Someone was following us then. Probably that girl from outside. "Oh, they can't elude us for long, whoever it is will make his move in no time, and we'll catch the firebug in the act." I said in the same volume of voice Zyanis was using.
w a t t p a d~@-haikutae [Poetry; Books]        t u m b l r~ @wooshishi [Edits]
l i n e~@taeskimchi                    <-Chat->                   k a k a o~ @taeskimchi

#181 07-09-2014 04:57:01

From: Land of Storms and Sunshine
Registered: 2010
Posts: 4092

Re: Matched Rp

Alphabetical, eh? I think to myself, If I wasnt an Abberation Id probably be Matched first.
"I'll have to leave soon." I mumble to myself.
|Older Art. Updated: 10/17/14| Instagram : p2ionics |
| Twitter : psionic_nerd | Tumblr Writing Blog : under-latest-nostalgia |
Thanks for the ava/sig shadowchild03!

#182 07-09-2014 05:40:16

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Matched Rp

"..." I heard him mumble and whispered, "Are you going to be around?"


#183 07-09-2014 16:21:03

From: Land of Storms and Sunshine
Registered: 2010
Posts: 4092

Re: Matched Rp

"Ahh..." I whisper, "I'll probably need to leave before Matching ends... When's your turn, by the way?"
|Older Art. Updated: 10/17/14| Instagram : p2ionics |
| Twitter : psionic_nerd | Tumblr Writing Blog : under-latest-nostalgia |
Thanks for the ava/sig shadowchild03!

#184 07-09-2014 16:32:56

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010
Posts: 21425

Re: Matched Rp

(( Darky you'd be up first if we're going alphabetical ))
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#185 07-09-2014 16:58:54

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Matched Rp

I was about to reply when all of a sudden I heard my name being called. I froze for a second before my parents urged me to go ahead and get on the stage. An official gave me a small silver box with a small microcard in it. I heard her voice announce loudly my match's name, "Owen Blackman."

His picture showed up on the screen and I immediately recognized him. Even though he was from another province, my family had run into him and his family before we moved here. His father, grandfather and almost everyone in his family was an official. Not only that, but I knew he was going to be one, too.

I didn't smile and walked back to the table almost in a shock. My parents looked at one another. They knew I didn't like him...Didn't like him one bit.

I shook my head trying to break from my trance and replied to Ad...Gabe trying to smile, "Well...there was your answer."


#186 07-09-2014 17:11:40

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010
Posts: 21425

Re: Matched Rp

Oh no. I ended up making a small hole in the net on top of the dress. So many people went up but it felt as though it was going by too quickly. I willed the set to break or the mic to stop working or even some sort of fire just so I wouldn't have to go up and I wouldn't have to find out who my match was. The hole was getting bigger fairly quickly.
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#187 07-09-2014 17:38:12

From: Land of Storms and Sunshine
Registered: 2010
Posts: 4092

Re: Matched Rp

I lift an eyebrow, "I'd say it's okay but it's obviously not... what's wrong? You know the guy?"
|Older Art. Updated: 10/17/14| Instagram : p2ionics |
| Twitter : psionic_nerd | Tumblr Writing Blog : under-latest-nostalgia |
Thanks for the ava/sig shadowchild03!

#188 07-09-2014 18:04:11

From: If I knew I'd tell you
Registered: 2010
Posts: 3138

Re: Matched Rp
Never before had I been so thankful to have a surname that began with 'M'. Seriously, thank you divine powers that blessed me with a name in the middle of the alphabet! I knew I couldn't avoid being Matched, but I wanted to wait it out for as long as possible.
w a t t p a d~@-haikutae [Poetry; Books]        t u m b l r~ @wooshishi [Edits]
l i n e~@taeskimchi                    <-Chat->                   k a k a o~ @taeskimchi

#189 07-09-2014 18:04:39

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: Matched Rp

"Yeah...I know him...He's becoming an official...His family are all officials, too...And he's not exactly the nicest guy...Actually he's the least nice guy I ever met."


#190 07-09-2014 18:25:39

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010
Posts: 21425

Re: Matched Rp

"Navain Derdeth."
My heart stopped beating and my lungs stopped pumping. There was no time now. And no more after that. I got up from my seat and walked to the top of the stage. All eyes on me. I gasped for air as I was holding my breath the whole way here. Right foot. Left foot.
Right foot. Left foot.

I was shaking as the man handed me the small box with the microcard in it. My ears were ringing and I closed my eyes tightly as my Match's name was called.
"Kalon Tahlmus"
I slowly opened my eyes to see a man with blonde hair so light it was almost white.
Oh no. I stepped down and walked back to my table.
"He looks handsome." My mom said.
"I don't know know him, but my encounters with him were pretty...bad..." I said to her.
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#191 07-09-2014 19:35:02

From: Anywhere
Registered: 2010
Posts: 1893

Re: Matched Rp

(Uhm. We're at the part were they're calling names, right ?)

The Mauraders were alive that night, all four of them, you know, but it wasn't the same; only three were true and one was gone, and the one that was gone shouldn't have been. But they were together, again, and in that moment, they knew, they would never say goodbye.

#192 07-09-2014 19:37:07

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010
Posts: 21425

Re: Matched Rp

Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#193 07-09-2014 20:00:09

From: Anywhere
Registered: 2010
Posts: 1893

Re: Matched Rp

I see a girl in blue go up and sit back down. I'm right next to her table. I look at her and say, "What's the matter, blue ? Cat got your tongue ?" I laugh out loud, while she still seems petrified. People turn to look at me. I smirk and look up at the girls' name on the screen. Navain Deredeth. "Navain ? What kind of a name is that ? Is it from the farmlands ?" I ask, and laugh again. Then I realize something. They're only in the D's ? I sigh loudly. This is going to be a long, long wait.

The Mauraders were alive that night, all four of them, you know, but it wasn't the same; only three were true and one was gone, and the one that was gone shouldn't have been. But they were together, again, and in that moment, they knew, they would never say goodbye.

#194 07-09-2014 20:15:40

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010
Posts: 21425

Re: Matched Rp

I snapped out of my daze to glare at the girl making fun of me. "Excuse me, but my parents chose a name that was unique and different than most people. Our name is our identity. It's special and the only thing we can pick so it should be something no one's heard before. What's your name? I bet it's bland and the same as many people in just this room."

(( I'm so sorry >.< That sounds mean. I'm so sorry sub >.< My character's taking over...Please don't take this personally. please...i'm sorry.))

Last edited by angelfire (07-09-2014 20:18:47)
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#195 07-09-2014 20:35:04

From: Anywhere
Registered: 2010
Posts: 1893

Re: Matched Rp

I glare at her in return. "Pfft. You don't scare me, loser. You're pathetic. To be honest, your name sounds like a disease that paralyzes your brain. You think all things unique are beautiful. But they're not. When something is beautiful, it stays beautiful. Unique or not." I fix my tiara. "My name is Mackenzie. You're not worthy enough to know my name, but you won't last long anyways. I am the only one in all the provinces to have that name. My name's unique, too, but the only difference is, it's actually beautiful." I smile, satisfied with my response.

(Haha it's alright! I like it! It's dramatic! And my character gets real mean too, so don't take this personal!)~

The Mauraders were alive that night, all four of them, you know, but it wasn't the same; only three were true and one was gone, and the one that was gone shouldn't have been. But they were together, again, and in that moment, they knew, they would never say goodbye.

#196 07-09-2014 21:00:25

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010
Posts: 21425

Re: Matched Rp

"I don't need to scare you of all people. You're name is who you are. Whether or not you like it. Shouldn't be making fun of it. Anyway, even the most beautiful things can become ugly. By the way, that tiara of yours is messing up your hair. "

(( I was looking rounds the interwebs and this is what the guy looks like. Kinda. a little more yellow hair though
with the aura you get from here:
I might make him a character :P))

Last edited by angelfire (07-09-2014 22:02:00)
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#197 07-09-2014 23:43:59

Registered: 2011
Posts: 578

Re: Matched Rp

Isaac wrote:

"Oh, they can't elude us for long, whoever it is will make his move in no time, and we'll catch the firebug in the act.".

Shocked, I stopped my track when the stranger said that. Who are these two? Do they know who i am? Who ever they are, i must stop them now. The Risings must not be discover
Turning my attention bk to the couple, i notice that they were going to turn right into an empty hallway.

Slipping off my heels and i held on to them, pacing faster in order to get closer to the "couple." I must stop them and get answers to my question.Mother's voice soon echo throughout my head.

"Eve. Take these." mother order and hand me a pair of golden high heels. "For what?" i asked her. She unattached the heel part and my eyes grew wide. Small thin needles, almost like daggers, hung out at the edge. "These needles are attached to tranquilizes capsule that is inserted into the heels." mother explain. "This should help by you time for at least 6hours.It only takes one shot pierce though the skin. Use them wisely since they are limited.

i glace behind my shoulder, noticing that father was still shadowing  behind with a stun gun, just in case something happens. I gave him a quick nod as a signal that i am going to take action soon.  Pulling apart the heel part of my shoes as i got closer to the hallway and away form the Banquet event, I get myself ready to capture my prey.


#198 07-09-2014 23:56:18

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010
Posts: 21425

Re: Matched Rp

The girl was still following us. Damn teenagers. Not that I wasn't one but this one needed to mind her own business. If we continue running she's going to think we're hiding something. I stop by a car and thankfully it was unlocked. "We have to hurry." I said to Isaac.
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#199 08-09-2014 21:07:39

From: If I knew I'd tell you
Registered: 2010
Posts: 3138

Re: Matched Rp

((That'd be cool for a character, Angel ;] ))
"I know." Crazy-suspicious chick would probably follow us to the ends of the earth. And though, I did want to cause a little more chaos, this would have to do for now. I sigh and get in the vehicle, then press the detonator. The Citizens had thirty mundane seconds before it all went wrong. I couldn't help but smile. "Thirty seconds." I said aloud.

((Don't know how to say what happens when the bombs go off, given that Isaac won't be there... :3))

Last edited by neriah10 (08-09-2014 21:11:29)
w a t t p a d~@-haikutae [Poetry; Books]        t u m b l r~ @wooshishi [Edits]
l i n e~@taeskimchi                    <-Chat->                   k a k a o~ @taeskimchi

#200 08-09-2014 23:03:26

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010
Posts: 21425

Re: Matched Rp

"Sorry. I know you wanted to do more." I said while working the wires to start the car and drove off.
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

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