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I already said hat on my W|A but thought I'd say it here. Until October 1st, I'll be very busy on several projects I have due. I spend most of the day not on a computer or at work. As a result there are days when I can't log in to collect my money or vote. I collected my money over the phone today while commuting and that worked but loading other people's pages to vote or comment is horrible. At least I was able to collect my money :)
I think that I'll be on the boards while commuting when I have little to nothing to do and need to take my mind off of things but of course posts and replies will be slower than always.
Anyways just thought I'd post this here so people know.
Good to know! Good luck with everything Darky!
Don't stress out on the small things too much, mmkay?
Ugh, I know what you mean about the phone votings. Maybe that should be an idea, a mobile version of the site haha.
Anyway, good luck with all the stuff you're doing darky!! We understand that you've got RL stuff to worry about ^u^ Don't stress yourself out!