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On both my faechild20 and faechild21 accounts, when I clicked on the Oh My Boutique store, I would get a blank pink page with the Boutique logo at the top. Then it would flash, and load the Oh My Games default page. I use Google Chrome. Every other part of the Games page loads perfectly, and runs just fine, it's just the Boutique I can't access.
I just tried it and the same thing is happening for me. Maybe they're changing the collection in there.
I just asked the GM to see if they are updating it or not. I will let you all know.
Sorry everyone looks like you are going to have to wait for the answer just a little bit longer. Our GM said that the programmer is currently out on vacation. I will let you all know as soon as possible as to what is going on.
Thanks Fairykisses.
Even the games are not loading :sad: It kinda frustrating me.
Maybe they will soon be updating everything about that section.
I see that it has been fixed, thanks for pointing that out Madara. I/we still don't know what caused this to happen. But have fun playing again!
Thanks for keeping us updated all the way Fairy!
mine still not working I'm always stuck at 0% :nrv: :pleur: