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Heyy guess what!! it's Twin's (Bloodsy's) BIRTHDAY today!!
aaaaannnddd....SHE'S 18!!!
A legal adult ^^ How do you feel twin?
Fun Fact (and everyone can -should- put their own):
Twin and I call each other twins cuz we're so alike. BUT! Whenever we try to play any of the "versus" games on the boards here, we're always on opposite teams. I think there was only one game that we were on the same side...although I think I was doing it wrong and we really weren't :P
I made something for ya, Put this on whatever you like!! It's yours (I can change the name if you'd like, I just thought IG might be what you want to use it on ^^)
Weeell Happy Birthday Bloody! :gai:
Gosh,, good luck! (People have been telling me that at 18 you need it, I don't know why)
Fun Fact: (Since I *Should*)
I recently discovered that not only are you on my friend list, I'm on yours...But...I don't remember why :pleur: I feel like you're REALLY familiar, but I can't remember why...So yup, I'm spacing...sorry. SIDE NOTE: You have really great taste in music :D
Welcome to adulthood, bloodsy! Then again, age aside, I feel that you're wise beyond years :D HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! May your new year be filled with happiness, success and lots of laughter!
Fun Fact:
Bloodsy's name in real life is actually one of my very favorite names ever. I actually had a main character in one novel I had been working on with the same name!!!!
That and she does have a great taste in music ;)
OMG thank you guys <3
@Twin: Thank you so much for the gift. I'll put it on of and as my cover photo for Facebook. We are very much alike yet different. I always wondered if anybody new questioned our twin comments XD You are such a great sister ( :mdr: )
@Neriah: I can't remember either. I guess it may have been last time you were on the board a lot. I love that you went through my unchanged WIA. I need it changed and updated badly but I need a computer :hypn: lol Thank you so much. At 18 luck is needed because of being an adult and college and growing up.
@Varky: Big sis! I found they fun fact funny the first time you told me it. I have a particular liking for your name as well. Plus, some of my music came from you. :ok: I'm not all that wise though. I have my moments of wisdom.
Thank you all for the birthday wishes <3
Last edited by bloodyemos (17-11-2014 14:09:46)
Happy birthday Bloody!!!! Wooah officially 18! *huge virtual hug* I'm very bad and awkward when it comes to birthday wishes so just imagine I just wrote everything you wanted to read in here --> _______________
Fun fact :
I stalk you on snap chat because you're life is super interesting and your make up is pretty :ok:
Thank you Ruki. I didn't know you stalked me on though my life really isn't that interesting
(*cough* pretend I'm on time)
Woah, 18, graduation and college and responsibilities. It may seem overwhelming but you can push through bloody!
Fun Fact:
I adore your poetry even though I don't really comment on your poetry topic. (Sorry u^u) The lines make me wanna create songs with them as lyrics.