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ba ra dad da dad dad daaaaa
Fun fact for her too (and I'm making a gift thing so wait):
Darky is my older sister (not IRL) so I want her to get married before me. I predict myself to be married in about 2 to 3 years so darky...hurry up e.e
I hope she sees this :3
Fun fact (you get a gift from me later too - I'm making it):
Spi reminds of me when I was little. She homeschools, she loves reading, and she's super smart!!! I love ya spi, When are you coming back forever?
Last edited by angelfire (23-11-2014 17:44:52)
And Happy birthday Spidey ^^
Happy Birthday Girls!
Fun facts:
-Varky: You're also my big sister (not irl) and I constantly look to you for advice in many matters. You were also the first person who got to read Leo's story!
-Spi: We never talked much but I remember when I used to find you annoying but now we're cool :) We talked through that
Thanks girls!!! I love you all, too!!
Angel, promises. Maybe I'll meet someone in your wedding? :P
Fun facts:
Darky: is officially the oldest and wisest here. She's also a good roommate. Passes food under the bed for me! :D
Spidey: is probably the only one younger than me. Ma younger sis <3
Happy B day <33 Love you both sooooo much!!!
Last edited by malu (23-11-2014 19:08:36)
LOL, malu! THANKS!!!!
HAPPY Birthday Spi!!! May your new year be awesomely awesome!
Daaarky im sorry i didnt gret you earlier. ;(
I've always looked up to you even when i was just beig in the shadows of the forums haha
Havent seen you around in a bit and i hope you come back C:
Happy Birthday Darky and Spidey!
Darky: I don't really know you that well, but you're so nice and friendly and really good at advice aaaaaandd very down to earth in a way...almost mystical like an elf O_O
Birthday glitter! (Kidding, that's not a thing...yet) Hope you're doing well and having fun with NaNoWriMo! You're a great writer, so I'm sure you're doing great and all :)
lol, xemo: Same here, believe it or not :P
ANGEL!!! I downloaded it!!! It's so beautiful! Thanks!!!
Wow, Neri. I'm really really flattered. You're so sweet and nice and I really want to know you better :)
Last edited by darkelfqueen (24-11-2014 13:48:04)
Ok so umm this is kinda super late buuuuut... Happy birthday anyways!!!!! Hope you've had lots of cake. :3 Oh!!! And this!!
Pusheen says "Happy Buwrdayy! Om nom nom." ~