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thanks to you - atl
Habits - Tove Lo
Sleeping With Sirens - Kick Me :3
lol it took me a second rare ^^ I was like where's the song :P
A** Back Home - SECRETS
Blank Space by Taylor Swift. ~
Human by Cristina Perri
Gossling -Hazard
listening it to my murderhouse playlist on 8tracks :good: :love:
Beautiful Target - B1A4 (Actually, It's the fourth time in a row I'm listening to it ^^")
~sky full of stars
~speed of soung(We learn it in school)
~us against the World
~God put a smile up on your face
was centipede - childish gambino
now Hnscc - the 1975 ;3
La La Latch - Pentatonix
some of my two favorite songs together and sung in acapella ... :bisous:
Steal My Girl - 1D
I am now listening to my brain replay Solo Day - B1A4 Because I'm running out of data to actually play it ^^"
Mark Ronson - Uptown Funk ft. Bruno Mars