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It may just be because it's only been about an hour since it's been up but the advent calander is showing all the boxes open rather than closed.
So much for the anticipated surprise I like when getting to open the boxes everyday.
I took a screenshot, but this may get fixed before anyone else sees it so i'd rather not put it. It's stored and saved if the mods would like to see what I'm talking about :3
I'm seeing the exposed gifts too and at least 7 of them are the same thing from last year. Hopefully since it's showing gifts from last year, there will be at least 7-12 surprises?
I was online with a doll when the calendar came up, and got the first window - top row third one over (a calendar), but as I went to the other dolls, it was all messed up, and none of the others could do it. It looked like many of them were the same as last time - I counted at least 8, (bear purse, white hat with red bow, wreath etc many) so maybe they stopped it to fix it.
But some are repeats...they tend not to do repeats
only 16 out of 24 are still some will still be a surprise~
All windows are open now, nothing to click on.
I having the same issue. I opened the first calendar gift with one of my other accounts and know it is showing all of the gifts exposed.
When I logged in, all the windows were open and none of them were clickable >.<
I just tried on a few of my alts, and they all show different boxes open and others closed. Not all of them the same. I've only done three and I'll check the rest in a bit.
Last edited by angelfire (01-12-2014 01:57:48)
i have a slight feeling this is displaying 2013's calendar.
i remember i lost day 3 that year on my main, and all windows are open but the number 3, while i my alt(were i missed none) all windows are open.
hm... just checked my items, and it looks like some of the displayed items are indeed not from 2013...
I have the same problem with the windows all being open.
I've just checked the advent calendar and I couldn't open any boxes. Only the days 3, 4 and 5 are closed, but not available to click on. Some gifts are from the last year. What's happening??? Here's a screenshot of the bug...
All the window boxes are open on my calendar and it won't let you click anything on it.
It's varying with each doll: what windows are "closed".
That blue poster is the first gift
Just tried a few more of my alts and some of them have all the doors closed except for Day 1's even though I never clicked on it.
I have reported this bug. Just be patient with it. I do hope it gets fixed tomorrow. :aomd_noel:
Same here .. Was hoping for a whole bunch of new fun.. Some are definate repeats..
It's working normally for me; perhaps it's been fixed?
Yes, it seems to be fixed now.
Working for me too!! Thank you! Shall I delete this post or will you close?
I will close it.