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:norm: (Please excuse me for my english , I'm french):norm:
hi everyone.
I'm here today to talk about Asian dolls .
The first question everyone asks is "what is it"
Well it's very simple.
Pullip is a collectible fashion doll created by Cheonsang Cheonha of South Korea in 2003.[1] Pullip has a jointed plastic body (1:6 scale) and a relatively oversized head (1:3 scale), with eyes that can move from side to side and eyelids that can blink. Pullip was first marketed by Jun Planning out of Japan; but the company underwent management changes in early 2009 and, since then, has operated out of South Korea under the name Groove.
Pullip are very expensive 100$ and more. Pullip means "blade of grass/leaf" in Korean. Since the release of the original female doll, other companion dolls have been added: male dolls Namu and Taeyang. Taeyang's younger sister ,Dal; Dal's best friend, Byul ; and Pullip's younger brother, Isul . In February 2013, a new member of the Pullip family was introduced, called Yeolume , who is Pullip's future daughter. There is also a miniature line called Little Pullip, with 1:12 scale bodies and 1:6 scale heads. Pullip and her counterpart dolls are often customized by collectors, with the most common customizations including wig changes, eye color changes, and rebodying.
Here you have the pullip akemi 2013 by sheryl design
This is the taeyang richt
This is the dal joujou
The byul hermine
The isul mao
you can buy pullip and over dolls here
- … amily.html
In my house i have two pullip
-pullip akoya
-pullip Karen
If you have pullip,dal,taeyang,bjd,monster high you can share your pictures here.:aomd_oeil:
Last edited by kenzy (07-12-2014 23:12:30)
these are adorable!!
The firest two are my favorites but I like the second one better ^^
what I like with these dolls is that there are many different model with their own style .
Me there are a lot of model that I like as bloody red hood .
the problem is that it costs a bit expensive, it's a real investment. But it's a collector's item.
WOW! More than 100 USD for a single doll?! I mean American Girl dolls are about $99 but they're way bigger. These are smaller than Barbie dolls 0.0 It's like selling a Bratz doll!
They are cute though :3
Your Pullips are really cute. I'm a BJD enthusiast myself, I own 6 plus I take care of my sisters girl. been apart of the hobby for years.
angelfire wrote:
WOW! More than 100 USD for a single doll?! I mean American Girl dolls are about $99 but they're way bigger. These are smaller than Barbie dolls 0.0 It's like selling a Bratz doll!
They are cute though :3
BJD dolls (ball jointed dolls) are very expensive. It because of the materials used in the dolls. Pullip's are only one type. There are many versions and sizes. A lot of work goes into them and people paint them and such. Plus they can look very very very life like haha
This is an unpainted one:
This is another example:
My favourite bjd's are minifees. They are adorable!
I love AndrejA's dolls on deviantArt. She even remakes monster high dolls (they aren't really considered bjd's though). She removes their face makeup and repaints them and changes their hair. They end up, in my opinion, so much better looking.
Last edited by 30stmxfan (08-12-2014 01:11:14)
Wow...That's...Strangely detailed 0.0
I've never seen them before. That's pretty cool!
There's always a stall that sells these at the conventions I go to, but I tend to glance past it because I'm usually busy with photos or finding specific merch.
I'll rememeber to head into one next time.
OMG we're talking about BJD's in here! I love bjd. It's my dream to have a littlemonica doll T T Even with a Pullip, I would be happy xD But wigs are expensive and my mom doesn't like me spending $$$ for dolls xT
cutekiderika wrote:
OMG we're talking about BJD's in here! I love bjd. It's my dream to have a littlemonica doll T T Even with a Pullip, I would be happy xD But wigs are expensive and my mom doesn't like me spending $$$ for dolls xT
Those dolls are so cute! My favourite are Minifee Chloe's (from doll fairyland). My only concern is that painting them can get so expensive and that they get old and discoloured from the light. Plus once the paint chips, you have to repaint them and for a good artist it can be anywhere from $40-$80 ,_,