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I noticed since the new quest the North Pole room has disappeared from the 'Winter map'. Is this just me, or is anyone else not seeing the North Pole room?
Nope, it is not just you I no longer have it either.
I will send an a report. Thanks!
It looks like it has also disappeared from the drop down menu. That's a lot of bugs with rooms lately.
Mine's gone too. And apparently, everything that was in there was moved to my loft, according to my item list. But my items aren't actually showing up in my loft. I hope they weren't deleted. :sad: Guess that means I'll have to redo the room once we get it back, if we get it back. :pleur:
Last edited by swiftwind20 (09-12-2014 02:50:41)
I checked it out, and all of the items that had been in my north pole room were in my loft, according to the "My Things" pages, though they weren't really there. To fix this, move the items you know were in the north pole room into the attic and then move them back to the loft. They should re-appear and you can send them wherever you would like from that point.
This, of course, only works if you remember what was in your north pole room. And of course, this should only be a quick fix, because hopefully this situation will be fixed soon.
This bug has been fixed.