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Fun fact:
You're one of the few people left from when I first came on the boards! Back in the day when we had like 50 other people on at once instead of like...3.
I'm making you a thing...wait
Last edited by angelfire (09-12-2014 06:01:55)
Happy Birthday Xemo!!
Fun Fact: I remember when I use to complain about my life and you had no idea what I've been through so I straight up messaged you so you would know so that you could be understanding and part of the conversation.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fun Fact: You're one of the coolest people I've ever met! And we share the same career choice. Maybe we'll end up working together one day! I sure hope so :)
Happy B Day:
Fun Fact: I'm secretly in love with you and am staring at you thru your window right now. :)
Whoops! Well, Happy Birthday! :fete:
Fun Fact: When you eat a cupcake, don't go for the dark blue one. That one has like more dye then any other cupcake, and your face will be blue afterwards... Just kidding :) I think you're super cool and awesome and stuff...secretly. Secret's out now though.
Ahhh, thank you guys :D It's totally fine tho and thanks so muuch.
@angel - hehe, yeah I remember those days. We really dwindled down, huh?
@bloody - I remember that :D I treasure the fact that you went to all that trouble and told me your story. I'm glad to be part of a tiny bit in your life OUO
@darky - you tooo, you're awesome and stuff and I hope so because that would be so cool. Now, if I can just get past the next few years....
@malu - just knock and I'll let you in wink, wink
@neri - I will keep the intensity of my secret love for you under wraps for now. (Naww, I think you're really cool and sweet too :D)