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Since today's morning there is no personality test available. There is still countdown till end of event, but after clicking it I am redirected to empty site. There is no source of site nor html requests visible.
This happened on 10 accounts I tested it with.
On 3 browsers: Chrome (version 39.0.2171.95), Firefox (34.0.5) and IE11 (version 11.0.9600.17501).
On both US and French sites.
On Windows 7 Proffesional SP1, 32-bit and Windows 7 Ultimate SP1, 64-bit
And of course I cleared cache, cookies and local storage.
I'm having the same problem >.< I just have one more test left to do please please please fix this before it ends :pleur:
Lucky you. I was busy during week and was waiting till weekend to do it. So I didn't do any of it yet. Please do something about it or prolong this event :pleur:
I also attempted to do the Personality Tests on Friday night... with the same result. It has now been down for one full day... so I do hope that they extend the event by at least one full day (or however long it is down).
I will definitely check tomorrow to see if this bug has been fixed... but, as it is a Sunday only days before Christmas, I will be gone most of the day. Weekends are always busy, especially so during the holidays... I am sure there are many who will have similar schedule commitments.
If the Personality Test comes back, and subsequently "expires" while I am out... it would be both disappointing and unfair. Please extend this event to compensate for the missing day(s).
This was put on Dragonmcbain's post
fairykisses wrote:
It was working just fine yesterday but now its not. I will send this bug in. Thanks for reporting it.
From the French Forum...
sarah wrote:
hello girls we will look at it on Monday and probably add two days to the test to compensate you :aomd_bisous:
Here's to hoping for a happy ending :ok:
n0regrets wrote:
From the French Forum...
sarah wrote:
hello girls we will look at it on Monday and probably add two days to the test to compensate you :aomd_bisous:Here's to hoping for a happy ending :ok:
Indeed. I, as well, was looking to see if there were any more tests I wanted to do before the countdown ended, only to find there was nothing there to do!
This issue has been fixed.
It was working and now this bug is back. It also happens for few other pages of OMD, including Spirit of the past event, that is soon ending: … nne_quetes
Last edited by madaren (22-12-2014 11:45:19)