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I bought 1540 Feez but did not receive!!!! I want my money back or Feez I bought in my account !!!!!!! I will denounce Feerik because I bought 1540 Feez but did not receive NOTHING five days ago now!!! Where is my Feez?????????? Where is Feerik to help me to solve the situation???????
Doll's name revistadivadollz
Version PT / BR
Country Brazil
Date December, 17, 2014
Option Boa compra
I want my Feez, I am complaining and so far no one have done nothing to solve the problem!!! I am from Brazil then I have to visit an english version of the game because here no one solve the problem!!!!!!!!! It's Xmas I 'm very nervous with this and I want my Feez!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by vamp2014 (24-12-2014 00:18:37)
You'll need to submit a ticket for this, and as soon as possible would be better for you since Christmas is coming up soon.
Thank you for your help. But I believe it is a bug because it's happening with other dolls too. Could you tell me if this version has happened a problem like this? People buy Feez and not receive? Thanks anyway.
Last edited by vamp2014 (24-12-2014 00:26:19)
vamp2014 wrote:
Thank you for your help. But I believe it is a bug because it's happening with other dolls too. Could you tell me if this version has happened a problem like this? People buy Feez and not receive? Thanks anyway.
It's happened before, but it's not like it happens on a daily basis. Your best bet is to send in a ticket if you haven't already. And since tomorrow is Christmas, Dec 25th, they might not respond to your ticket until Thursday or Friday or maybe not until next Monday. I, myself, have sent in a ticket on a different issue and they still haven't answered it. I just check it daily to make sure.
Thanks, you are an angel. I will keep trying for sure. Merry Christmas to you and your family. See you!
Last edited by vamp2014 (24-12-2014 17:17:39)