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#1 25-12-2014 10:26:31

Registered: 2010
Posts: 347

Can't get rewards from flash sale

on the first gift i clicked twice to see if I can get more then one and got the message:
"You have already collected this item. Wait for the next one."

But when the second gift came out (the Christmas window with red curtains) I still get the same message and I didn't get the item in my inventory, will update if this keeps going.

Edit: I got the dress that came third so it's okay now!

Last edited by haelina (25-12-2014 10:41:32)

#2 25-12-2014 13:11:09

Registered: 2011
Posts: 159

Re: Can't get rewards from flash sale

I also didn't receive the first gift though I clicked it 3 times just to be safe. I have gotten all after that so far.


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