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116 MALU! I was just thinking about you because of Pottermore! HAPPY NEW YEAR! How're you?!
Internet hasn't been my friend that much lately. Comes and goes as it pleases.
ANGEL!!! <3
DAAAARKY! <3 I'm awesome. Just made muffins at 2 in le mornin. :D
It happens from being away from friends. Missed you Malu <3
*cries* Bloody!! <3 *hug*
Missed you too, Bloody <3 I sorta stalked you on fb thru Amary's account.
Last edited by malu (03-01-2015 23:57:09)
114 wow! What kinda cupcakes?!
I actually got those Betty Crocker cake mix stuff - dark chocolate but I ended up putting too much water in. Its really soft and stuff but no flavor so I put in a lot of cinnamon in the batch. So cinnamon now?
I'll mail you some!
114 Oooooh Cinnamon! How did you know I'm craving it these days? yum!
*gasp* I"M PSYCHIC!
Yum cupcaes :3 I need something sweet.
I'm making Gizzard Biryani :3 But the rice is too uncooked.
Send me some, Angel!!
I haven't had Biriyani in a such a loooong time!!
Same ^^ Since it's winter break, My mom was like we have to do all the cooking. Then she told me to make biryani ^^ I made plenty so come on over
115 I've been wanting mom to teach me a secret recipe she had for a special kind of cookies. She hasn't given in yet :(
Dad just told that he accepts my love for Caije. I can wait for him. I can marry him. I can spend forever with him.
Lol ^^ Darky, maybe she's waiting for the right moment. It is of course a secret recipie. Or maybe she wants you to get it like Red did in Hoodwinked Too :3
Wow! Twin that's amazing news. so cute <333
I'm so happy it's unbelievable
116 Congrats bloodsy :D
And Angel, I know she wants me to figure it out with time, but's kinda like our little game.
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