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112 Yeah people got busy and I wouldn't be able to do it aloooooone sooooo :)
Lives kinda got in the way
112 Yup. It happens :)
Mondayyyy! :fete: I'm getting art supplies today :) So excited :D
Clash of Clans has become a hassle.
111 I kinda gave up on all games like that. I get bored of them easily.
There's this one app I downloaded to my computer (glad I can ^^) Another Case Solved. It's really fun and the story's so interesting!
I really do want LI to come back. Maybe we can work on it again during the summer?
I never apologized for just dropping without telling you darky. I'm so sorry 3:
Last edited by angelfire (26-01-2015 22:29:32)
113 No need to apologize!!! Really! I happens right?! And the most important thing right now is school and college :) And family of course :D
115 I know I know. Still, they really are essential one point or another. I know that from experience. You might fight. Might hate each other at some point, but sooner or later, at least one member in the family will prove to have your back.
Yeah I know one or two are with me and I with them. It's mostly parents that's my problem. The hold they have on me gets tighter and tighter with each passing day. And if I say something, even if they ask for my honest and true opinion, I always end up being in the wrong
117 I, of course, am in no place to correctly advice you, little sis. You know...since I'm not there and I don't see what's going on, what's said or done, but I'll tell you what happened to me.
From the age of around 15 till I was around 17, I was in constant fighting with my parents. We fought about even the trivial things. I questioned everything and in a way I felt like I was being controlled. In every single thing I did.
Around 18, I started going into a deep depression and to be honest was tired of everyone and everything and well, gave up the fight. I'd disagree with them in my head and even when asked, I didn't tell them I thought they were wrong.
Only last year or something, I realized that believe it or not, that depression might have been the best thing to happen to me during that time. It kinda made me stop fighting at a time I was supposed to be NOT fighting. Just listening.
I now know what they meant and why they did and said what they did. I do not agree with everything they said, but at least now I understand.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't think about it too negatively as you might end up hastily build negative associations with them. Only to realize later you were absolutely wrong. And if you've ruined everything between you by then, it might be too late to fix things again.
You're fine :)
The problem with what's going on with me at home is that I know what they're trying to do. They don't trust the outside world and they want to protect me. I understand that and I fully appreciate it. However, it's not only the reigns they have on me, it's other things too.
We have responsibilities around the house. We wash the dishes, set the table, clean the floor, empty the dishwasher, small things like that. It's fine we do it most of the time. The problem here is the few times we don't do it, my parents have a fit. I end up doing everything and quite honestly, it's impossible for me to that much work along with trying to keep my grades up and continuing my after school activities. God forbid i ever try talking to them about it again. I've done it once before and somehow they ended up saying how I always complain about things and how I treat my mom like a servant for not listening to them and so on. I don't know how it got to all that but it did and I'm not talking to them again about it.
My grades haven't been up to par for the past 2 years. I know that, my parents know that, people at my school know that because I don't keep it a secret. People think I have the utmost perfect grades and I tell them I don't. But I'm trying. I have an organization problem for one but I've found a fix for that. It's not going to change right away especially since it's been a problem for 2 years. I'm trying to make the most of it. I want to go to college and I want to succeed. My parents have forced me to stop going to theater. I don't know if you remember but Sophomore year, when I was failing AP World, my mom did the same thing. I went with it cuz I knew I couldn't do anything about it. I did Tennis Freshman year but stopped for the same reason I didn't do theater 10th grade. I regret not playing Tennis so much. I haven't played since that one year just because I'd gotten more lazy. This my last year, I don't think I'll ever be able to do theater in College the same way as in high school. Maybe I will maybe I won't. I don't want to take that chance and regret anything else. I've quit every single club I'd joined so I can focus on Winter Guard and Theater because those are the two things I want to do. Staying home for long periods of time just hurts me more because I come home and I can't do anything but homework. God forbid I talk to my parents about this too. They'll probably somehow tie in what I said they did before.
Today I was talking to my mom about the Gold Award. It was my fault for not keeping up with it and my mom really wants me to do it. I have until September of this year to finish which I think is long enough. I also have Senior Project which is kinda similar but 150 hours of doing virtually anything I want. I put both together cuz I thought it would be easier than doing two separate projects that had essentially the same amount of work. But now it's too late, I have to present my senior project on March 19th and if I don't, I won't be able to graduate. All the paperwork, essays, journal, everything, needs to be done by a set date which is in February. I don't have much time, I've barely done anything and I still need 100+ more hours. I can't do the Gold Award at this point because I have to send the proposal by February 1st. Fine, that's alright, but I get approval 2nd week of the month. By then I should have been finished with my Senior Project. GS rules say that I can't do any part of the project until it's been approved. That is waay too late for me. I decided to do another project completely and work on getting that approved in March. My mom says I could still get it approved and out whatever I'll be doing in March into hours for the Gold Award. I can't do that. The main part needs to be done by mid February. I don't know how to explain it to her. Tbh, I did a good job in keeping my emotions in check while talking to her. But now she's pretty upset with me and blames me for something I already blame myself for
I, really wish at this point I could go on without a care but I can't. I want to make her happy and have her listen or see things from my point of view because I already see it from hers. I'm entirely stressed out, I have to keep grades up, I have to do all these projects, I have to take care of my siblings, I have to graduate, I have to keep my mom happy, I have to keep my dad happy and I have to do all of it without blowing up at anyone.
wow....That was longer than I expected...
Guess I really blew up already huh...
Last edited by angelfire (27-01-2015 02:56:03)
119 You know? I of course can never really tell you how to talk to your parents since I don't know them. Different people require different talking.
Buuuuuut...What I can see is that you're really stressing yourself out. You're stressing about things you've done, things you can't do, things you want to do and things you don't want to do.
Now, I think the best way is to sort things out one by one. I'll post some things tomorrow that are helping me keep my sanity and I think you should try. It would require hard work, but if you sort things out, I'm sure you can still do a lot.
Once you see some things out of the way, you'll feel muuuuuch better. AND your parents would be better too and loosen up a bit.
Now for tonight, I want you to go watch something funny, read something, RP a little, do something you like and sleep. Don't think about anything from what you wrote. Nothing at all! Deal?
*sniff* okay.
No really though. I'll do it. I don't have anything due tomorrow so I can take a break today :3
120 ikr bloodsy?
Okay Angel, how do you want to go through with this? here? Should I create a topic about these tips and tricks? My email still doesn't work and PM would be way too short.
I guess here would be fine if you're okay with it :3
I know much help with advice
121 @bloodsy: What did you mean by that bloodsy? You have no advice? Know a lot of advice? lol, sorry I'm slow :D
@Angel:I'm okay with anything that would help you, little sis!!
Before we start, I would suggest getting Onenote if you want to write down what you're thinking digitally. As it doesn't require constant saving and really is a life-saver when you start seeing what it can do.
It's not important though, as you can write down what you want on a piece of paper or in word instead. It just makes it easier. Mkay?
Now, I want you to write the things you want to get done in the next month. I'm not talking details or everything. Just top view stuff
When you're done, you don't have to share things here for privacy, but I'll tell you what to do next in general :)
The way I go about it is like this:
Deadlines to meet:
- User this for exams/projects/essays that have explicit deadlines
Important Things (Within the next month)
- Things that are important but don't have specific deadline but need to happen within this next month
Weekly Things:
- Things that need to happen each week. Say...An extra class you're taking in the weekend, family trip, etc
Daily Things:
- No need for details, but something like this:
- 30 minutes of chores
Things I want to do:
- Things you want to do but don't know if you have time. Say, theater practice, blogging, etc. Things you want to try.
Last edited by darkelfqueen (27-01-2015 21:16:09)
I use OneNote for Gov notes :3
Okay here's what I wrote:
I think I did it right mostly. There are a few deadlines that I don't know, but they do have a time limit
In the Next Month I want to...
• Deadlines to meet:
○ - Chapter 2/3 Exam for AP Gov
○ - Start SP essay
○ - Complete Flyers
• Important Things (Within the next month)
○ - Meet with Mr. Lutz about Essays
○ - Talk to Ms. Snyder
○ - Finish Senior Project
○ - Think of a fundraiser
○ - Talk to Ms. Deskins
• Weekly Things:
○ - Girl Scouts every other Friday
• Daily Things:
○ - 30 minutes of Exercise
○ - 30 minutes of stock Market learning
○ - Dishes
• Things I want to do:
○ - Theater
○ - Winter Guard
○ - Book Club
Last edited by angelfire (27-01-2015 22:00:25)
123 Awesome! Yeah this app is really saving my life nowdays. I have a separate notebook in it for planning and time management. VERY USEFUL!
Anyways, back on track :D
Yeah i think it looks great. Number of things are okay too.
1. For each item on the list that has a deadline, write the deadline for yourself next to it in bold and underline...preferably in red, too.
2. After you're done with #1, for each item, estimate how many hours of work is needed. Give or take 2 - 3 hours.
So, for example, the play: If you do the play, how many hours would that take daily? Weekly?
For the chapters you want to study: How many hours approximately do you need?
*im not much help with advice.
Sorry for confusion.
In the Next Month I want to...
• Deadlines to meet:
○ - Chapter 2/3 Exam for AP Gov (February 2)
○ - SP essay FINISH (February 25)
○ - Complete Flyers (February 1)
• Important Things (Within the next month)
○ - Meet with Mr. Lutz about Essays (30 min)
○ - Talk to Ms. Snyder (10 min)
○ - Finish Senior Project (100+ hours total)
○ - Think of a fundraiser (1 hour w/help and planning)
○ - Talk to Ms. Deskins (Find her then 20 min)
• Weekly Things:
○ - Girl Scouts every other Friday (2.5 hours)
• Daily Things:
○ - Exercise (30 minutes)
○ - Stock Market learning (30 minutes)
○ - Dishes
• Things I want to do:
○ - Theater (once a week, 3pm-4:30pm)
○ - Winter Guard (Twice a week, 3pm-6pm + 7pm-9pm)
○ - Book Club (once a month, 3pm-4:30pm)
Wow wow wow. Everybody seems soooo busy. I just gotta study for my driving license now and ... Decide what I wanna do with my life.