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Just more random tips you may or may not be doing:
When noting dates, it's easier to like line them up with spacings and stuff like...
TASK 1 ___________ (DATE)
TASK 2 ___________ (DATE)
That way it'll be easier to see if there's stuff you need to rush on or forgot about.
Another thing is you can get a Planner App. I have something called S Planner on my phone and basically it's a planner but it has an alarm system so you can also set stuff like "Study <this> for 30 minutes" in it and it'll remind you to. It's useful if you have so many things to do and sometimes you can't remember them all.
Also with projects, break them down into as many pieces as possible so you can keep yourself sane and not be overwhelmed by the amount of things you need to do.
122 @bloodsy: Naaah! You're fine :)
@xemo: I've been looking for an app like that actually. Gonna see if it's available for my OS <3 Also great tips! That's what I do too!
@ruki: Good luck with the driving!!! And I'm sure you're gonna figure this out! Actually...from the awesome sketches you showed us, I think you should become an animator!
Okay! Noooow! We're going to estimate the number of hours you have each day. I'm doing it with the numbers that I know are true to me. They might be different for you. I'll also tell you in the end how I got these numbers to work for me. Tips and tricks ;)
On average, the school takes about 7- 8 hours a day (including commuting) and you need 8 hours a day for sleeping
2 hour of eating
That's 8 + 8 + 2 = 18 hours
You have 6 more hours.
I usually take 2 more hours out -- since I know for a fact I don't focus enough and I'll spend a lot of time wandering around aimlessly. And it's also a good buffer in case something goes over time. Also you have an hour of stuff you need to do daily right?
So you have 4 hours per school day to study + have fun, right?
For weekends, you have 8 hours for sleeping + 3 hours for eating/showering/etc + 1 - 2 hour of family stuff -- So you have anywhere between 8 - 10 hours of activities
Now, for each day from 1/30 to 2/28, I would do something like this:
Friday 1/30 (Remaining: 4 hours)
Saturday 1/31(Remaining 8 hours)
Sunday 2/1 (Remaining 8 hours)
Monday 2/2 (Remaining 4 hours)
And so on
Movign forward, anything you schedule, you take out of the list.
After that, you look at your deadlines first!
For each deadline you haven't planned yet
- Start with the closest one first
- Ask yourself: Is it really important to me or not? If it is ... move forward
- Now look at the closest day with remaining hours, can it fit in there? Can you block some time on that day for it?
If so, add it under that day and reduce the number of hours on that day by the number of hours needed for that task
Once you're done with that, check the weekly things. Limit those to 3 hours a week or max! Put them in their dates and reduce the time remaining on those dates.
The daily things you wanted to do, we already took care of them in the 2 hour buffer remember, so just ignore these for now
Now, look at the important stuff, you know how long each should take give or take, put them in their dates (try to estimate which is more urgent and schedule them first) and reduce the number of hours on those dates.
Of course things that should take place at school wouldn't be included in the hours since these are after-school hours, so for now leave these aside.
Now you shoudl haev a list of dates with number of hours of free time on them + things planned for the month. (almost all of the things now -- with the exception of the things you wanted to try, things taking place during the school day + daily stuff)
Tell me if you get stuck at anything. The reason I do things this way is that it got automated and I don't have to think much about it.
Last edited by darkelfqueen (28-01-2015 13:05:11)
I bookmarked these tips on my phone for future reference.
122 Hope it helps bloodsy :)
Girls, read this if you're interesting in Engineering or Technology or Computer Science or just want to nkow more about prgramming in general: … 61#p295961
Might help me too when I wanna learn it :ouf: don't got time now and my laptop screen broke :sad:
122 oh noooooo!!! Totally broke?
The LCD's or whatever they are cracked on it so it needs a new internal screen...just like my old one'd be about $150-200 to fix them
122 ouch! That is expensive. THere're usually cheaper stores though. Sometimes.
Sometimes. They're both HP's
121 HP can be pretty sensitive, but it usually is one of the better brands. Dell can be so ... problematic. Lenovo, believe it or not, is pretty sturdy and good, but usually expensive.
Hp has done me well but their screens suck
I grew up around Dell, so dell for me. Arlington County also only supplies Dell computers and Chromebooks. Take home laptops and Computer Lab computers have always been Dell.
Though Freshman now get Macbooks >.>
Twin, why not try looking into a small store that would fix it. Usually people put ads to fix electronics on Craigslist.
Darky - So I'm making the schedule, but how would I put homework into it? Would I estimate the time it would take me to finish in general?
Because we can't afford it right now really...need 5k by Sunday to keep the house and we only have 1k
121 Good luck bloodsy :(
Angel, you have two options:
1. In general estimate a number of hours a week for homework and use that while scheduling
2. The one I usually prefer while working is if it's been a few weeks since the semester started, I would estimate the number of hours earh course needs a week.
So, say if I know Math needs about 2 hours of homework and 1 hour of studying a week, then I count 3 hours
CS needs about 7 - 8 hours a week. Then, I schedule that.
In other words, I count them in the weekly portion.
A few things to take care of:
- Always add at least 2 more hours for study period that don't apply to any course in case you need extra time
- Don't just estimate homework. You need to study things as you take them so you don't get stuck while studying for exams. That way you always have a buffer.
I'm so white. We're painting the outside of the house and I have paint all over me
121 lol! Ghost bloodsy! booooooo
We're having a blast though lol
121 I love the smell of wet paint actually!
I second that! Though I'm also a fan of the smell of a lot of chemicals I probably shouldn't be smelling ^^"
I wish I could get all paint covered :( I seriously go out painting with the hopes of getting dirty and come out completely clean -.-
lol Neri and in with you on loving chemical smells. Gotta keep me away from sharpies in fear of smelling them dry >.>
Darky, So I've started putting them in blocks, but I was spending a bit f time on that and I still have to finish my homework. I did half and I'll continue the rest during the weekend. New month new start :3
Sharpie smells are my favorite!! I heard the were dangerous too. Still dunno how true that is but...
I actually have a list
1) Sharpies
2) Pine Cleaner
3) Nail polish (certain brands >.>)
Not complete list of course but...ahahahaha And they probably are not okay for me to be inhaling, so I don't go out of my way to smell them (MOST of the time ^^")
Last edited by neriah10 (30-01-2015 00:58:45)
So have I but..I can't help it lol
"Intern gnat" lol I am glad you got that twin!
I like burnt smells too. Burnt milk especially ^^
That was the best, twin :3 I had to re-read it but I got it ^^
Guys ... My parents really want me to go to university in Germany... But I'm very extremely overly scared. The language is very hard and I don't know if I can handle CS in German and if I go there for a year and then decide to come back home I'll have to start courses over from the first year which really sucks.
I wanted to go study in Manchester but dad doesn't think I can handle that because I'll most probably have to get a part time job which I don't really see as a problem but... I don't know they just don't wanna let me.
I don't know anyone in Germany... I don't even know the cities too well...