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I've shared my families story on here before and we are down to our last strings.
Mod. Edit - Outside links are against the rules.
The link above (which I know is against the rules to share) is a link to a funding that will help my family. We have no money and we're out of time and will lose the house if we can't get the $5000 needed. If we lose the house, my family will become homeless with no money and no place to go. We have tried every other possible way to get this money and failed in each thing. Any help is needed.
There are several ways you can help us:
-donating any amount of money
-sharing the link on any social media (Facebook, tumblr, twitter, etc.)
My mom has our story on there so I won't repeat it. You guys can go read it but please...please help us...
Mod. Note: If you wish to contact the OP about this, please do so through a Private Message Only.
I'm definitely sharing it!!! Wish I could help personally. This is really aching my heart!
Especially that we've been talking to you through all of this!
Oh Bloody <3 Good Luck with everything ok? I hope everything turns out alright.
Oh geez, bloody I'm really sorry all that's going on...Hope you can come up with the money or find some alternative solution..
Oh no bloody.... D: Send me the link through PM and if you made a tumblr post about it I'll share it.... I don't have any money but I hope I can spread it so some people might give.
We got some good news and this topic can now be closed.