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I just noticed this tonight. If you were using the Bollywood Actress as a career, you also received 1 token for Ohmygamez. No token tonight.
same thing for me.
I have let the GM know about this.
Same here
On top of that my Talent was deselected - so I got no extra 1$$ from that :( nor the token from the job.
And when I just might have squeaked by in earning Feez to buy the last 30$$ to let me finish the quest -exactly. Now I'm going to be that 1 too short to do this :non: (provided the surveys co-operate)
are there any news? did GM explained why we are not getting tokens anymore?
if i remember correct the extra 1$ and the token where temporary perks to that job.
They were temporary.
It lasted for over 6 months
I was told they were temorary.... :intr: