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I tried to leave this message on my WIA but I'm on my phone and couldn't grt it to stay. More than likely I will be unable to finish today's DVing.
Hope things are going well now, Sierradane!! Praying and WIshing your mom a quick recovery.
<3 I hope she feels better soon and can return home. Thinking of you, Sierra - you've got a lot going on in RL lately!
My mom got to go home yesterday! Her heart DR wants her to be a lower sodium diet which will cut out McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken.. Cashew chicken... boxed and frozen dinners... even though my mom will say that the only things she puts salt on would be tomatoes and watermelon, what she doesn't understand is the salt that is put into some of the things she's used to eating.
Today, her younger brother is visiting her which makes her very happy. This is the brother who he and his wife were in an accident caused by a drunk driver.
And yes, snortmort, it does seem like I have a lot going on. Not only "regular" busy stuff but also drama foo foo (to put it nicely) from my mother's sister. I have one aunt who tells me to "take care of yourself" to which I reply, "let me look at my planner to see which day is free for THAT." And my other aunt, my mother's sister tells me, "You need to stop thinking of YOURSELF and think of others!" (the type of relative who will never approve a FB friend request)
Thanks to everyone who has kept my mother in your thoughts and prayers. While I do have friends in RL that I value, I also value the friendship I've made here as well.
sierradane wrote:
My mom got to go home yesterday! Her heart DR wants her to be a lower sodium diet which will cut out McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken.. Cashew chicken... boxed and frozen dinners... even though my mom will say that the only things she puts salt on would be tomatoes and watermelon, what she doesn't understand is the salt that is put into some of the things she's used to eating.
The good news is more and more "lower-sodium" items are available on grocery shelves. The bad news is that pre-made and pre-packaged or processed foods are usually excluded.
Congrats Sierra! Glad to know your mother is in better health.