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Hi everyone. I'm not sure if this is a bug. When I was dvoting and leaving comments. Well, the problem is when I go to the WIA of the player. I was trying to write a comment, and they don't allow me to type symbols or dots, like ?/.:,<> It says "your comment is not valid". I don't know why because it happened to me just on the following WIA...Is this a bug? Please help! Thanks :)
Here are screenshots of the bug. I could leave the comment with my alt seems my bug is with my main doll (this account)
1) When I write the comment and press confirm
2) My comment is not valid
3) Other players, including my alt account can leave comments on this WIA.
4) I CAN leave comments on other pages (this is my sis' WIA)
Last edited by bianca96 (19-04-2015 15:39:47)
"Computer" is one of the words that is banned when leaving messages in the public area of our comments and you'll receive "invalid comment" and it won't let you post it.
I will type it as: com.p.uter
Last edited by sierradane (20-04-2015 22:30:10)
Really? Oh, thank you Sierra! I thought banned words/letters are written with ****
Thanks again =)
that's odd. wasn't it supposed to be fixed when they added a word filter in english?
and realy, ban a word that is absolutely innocent because of a sequence of letters that would be offensive in ANOTHER LANGUAGE and that means absolutely NOTHING in english. in the english version!?
darkjewels wrote:
that's odd. wasn't it supposed to be fixed when they added a word filter in english?
and realy, ban a word that is absolutely innocent because of a sequence of letters that would be offensive in ANOTHER LANGUAGE and that means absolutely NOTHING in english. in the english version!?
I agree....
Some dollz who's names are astericked out that come to mind are:
I've tested certain words that are either banned or "astericked" out on the public message area of the dollz of the French Server and they are NOT banned or an "astereicked" out word.
I don't get it. Why do something like that on this server and not on the French server. If I am remembering correctly, the word "computer" and the name "cookiesez" supposedly translated from English to French as vulgar words.
sierradane wrote:
I agree....
Some dollz who's names are astericked out that come to mind are:
I've tested certain words that are either banned or "astericked" out on the public message area of the dollz of the French Server and they are NOT banned or an "astereicked" out word.
I don't get it. Why do something like that on this server and not on the French server. If I am remembering correctly, the word "computer" and the name "cookiesez" supposedly translated from English to French as vulgar words.
i belive there was someone who had the word sunglasses in her nickname as well...
as for cookie, if i remember correctly, they want to avoid the use of this word because it interferes in the site's code. wich is odd...
i mean, any site/software that is meant to have room for random user text should be free from the paranoid of not using a codding word because of interference...
Have you tried to post a comment without the word computer in it to that same person?