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I've noticed that there are at least 2 items from the Lovely Store from the recent Mr. Darcy flirt that are acting strangely with my doll.
This piano:
thinks it's an accessory and keeps sticking to my doll.
Meanwhile, this embroidery hoop:
and these bags:
seem to think that they are NOT accessories and refused to stick to my doll.
Any way we could please get the personalities of these items reversed so they do what they're supposed to do?
Last edited by snortmort (25-02-2015 04:35:51)
I sent a bug report on this.
Thank-you very much :)
Still waiting for these to be fixed as well! :sad:
Fairykisses, I wonder if you could poke the game people on this issue? My doll would love to do some embroidering :)
I have sent the GM a reminder about this on Thursday but haven't heard anything as of yet.
Thanks, Fairykisses.
I believe these items should be fixed now.
The embroidery hoop is fixed (thank-you!!), but the piano still wants to be an accessory. I'm not sure about the shopping bags, though.
Thanks I shall report it again sigh.......:intr:
Thank-you, wonderful Fairykisses!