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#1 09-07-2015 02:35:43

Registered: 2010
Posts: 78

Can't ADD membership card free 150fee'z

I finished a Membership card by purchasing 10 sets of fee'z for over 150 fee'z each. There is a button that says add to your account but when I try to click it nothing happens. Is anyone else having this problem?

*My TOSHIBA satellite will not allow me to do a print screen on this site*

"Well, personally, I kind of want to slay the dragon."
                          -ANGEL (FROM ANGELTHESERIES)"

#2 09-07-2015 18:05:51

*~.:Fairy Dust:.~*
From: In my own little world
Registered: 2010
Posts: 4655

Re: Can't ADD membership card free 150fee'z

Hmmm, I always thought that it goes on your account automatically. I will ask the GM about this, in the mean time you can submit a ticket.

*Edit*: Yes the 150 feez are automatically deposited into your account, so there is no button for you to push.


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