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The normal website we access is down which is When I access through it works, but it keeps redirecting me back and forth between the french forums and here and is pretty confusing.
I have reported this to the GM. Thanks!
I noticed that it started yesterday (August 5th in Australia which would be August 4th most everywhere else)
It's happening for more as well.
It is very confusing, Varky. After it redirects me I go back so I don't have to deal with the French forum.
Me too... and see my bug I posted about no votes left today, which I'm sure everyone is experiencing as well.
This issue has actually been solved roughly 4 hours ago (sorry, I forgot to notify you).
You can login via the link again.
Actually, the "/boards" link gets you to the german forums. The english one is "/board" without the s.
This is what I see now through the new link:
And this is the old link:
It's still giving me the 404 as it's a different url: is the one that gets me through. However, is the one that is still linked to the omd site
It's better than it directing me to a completely different forum I guess but still, if it can be fixed, I'd say it's better to.
Last edited by angelfire (05-08-2015 14:22:28)
Ah, thank you for this clarification. I'll have it checked by a programmer.
Edit: It should be fine now.
Yay it's fixed! Thank you so much!!:aomd_bisous:
Thanks a lot, Sarah!!!