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I want to take part in the flash sale but I also want a fair chance at the room.
For me, on all my dolls this is what I see:
I just want to make sure that if it's just the message at the top that's different. WIll I still have the 1 in 8 chance at the room?
The text was not updated yet. Everything should be fine now :good:
Thank you.
Sorry for any redundancy, but since this post (BUGS) got a reply and my post (NEWS) did not... I am going to ask my question here, as well. It seems to me that the missing pop-up message might be considered a bug... and, like angelfire, my concern is also getting a fair chance at the room. If this event is (was) bugged, then I did not =(
sarah wrote:
But that's not all! With this sale, you also have 1 chance of 8 to win the floating palace!Happy Anniversary, OMD... what a great way to celebrate!
:quoi: Just wondering if anyone has gotten the room yet? In the past, when they have run similar promotions, there is a pop-up box which appears after your purchase stating whether or not you won the room... there is no pop-up this time. I checked my room tabs to see if the Floating Palace appeared unannounced anywhere... but none of my dollz who bought the set had it.
I don't want to buy any more of the Flash Sales if this event is bugged... as I definitely factor the chance of winning the room into the value of the offer.
Good Luck to all who take a chance... it is a beautiful collection ^.^
n0regrets wrote:
Sorry for any redundancy, but since this post (BUGS) got a reply and my post (NEWS) did not... I am going to ask my question here, as well. It seems to me that the missing pop-up message might be considered a bug... and, like angelfire, my concern is also getting a fair chance at the room. If this event is (was) bugged, then I did not =(
sarah wrote:
But that's not all! With this sale, you also have 1 chance of 8 to win the floating palace!Happy Anniversary, OMD... what a great way to celebrate!
:quoi: Just wondering if anyone has gotten the room yet? In the past, when they have run similar promotions, there is a pop-up box which appears after your purchase stating whether or not you won the room... there is no pop-up this time. I checked my room tabs to see if the Floating Palace appeared unannounced anywhere... but none of my dollz who bought the set had it.
I don't want to buy any more of the Flash Sales if this event is bugged... as I definitely factor the chance of winning the room into the value of the offer.
Good Luck to all who take a chance... it is a beautiful collection ^.^
Now there is currently a pop-up that says "Item bought
Oh... you didn't win the Floating Palace." So I would say that this issue has been fixed.
fairykisses wrote:
Now there is currently a pop-up that says "Item bought
Oh... you didn't win the Floating Palace." So I would say that this issue has been fixed.
I was out-of-town, so this is the first chance I have gotten to follow-up on this issue. Since it definitely appears that both the better odds text and pop-up room message (indicating that you actually did receive a chance at the room) were added after my purchases and posts... I will definitely be submitting a ticket for this.
While the Flash set itself was nice... I honestly have no need of a Bengal tiger or Indian elephant on a Medieval Princess account. My interest in this offer was primarily the room itself, with the other items being a nice (but not necessary) bonus... but I was willing to take a chance on the chance. I have had good luck with these promos in the past... but it looks like my bad luck that that I got no chance =(
Below, you can see screen shots of the second doll I bought this set on... since I didn't discover the potential problem until I made a purchase with my first doll! You can see both the "chance of 1:13 to win the Fairy Palace room!" message on the "BUY" screen... as well as the "Item bought" confirmation following the transaction... no pop-up about winning/not winning the Floating Palace. I also made a purchase on an international doll, to see if this bug was isolated to the US server... with the same results.