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I totally agree! I was right on the store possibility too ^_^
How'd you find that particular color though? I tried looking under tan and orange.
It's that light tan swatch that's before the white swatch
First i even tried finding dresses under orange colour. But as orange colour was much darker then i tried beige..
Well Helly was the first store i tried, and luckily i found that dress right there
Last edited by afna (20-09-2015 12:54:22)
Task #9 has been posted.
Any Fall related items or a Fall Store item?
Any Fall related item.
All these little pumpkins (that I own on my main) which are collector items from last years Halloween Quest with the Black Forest room.
Mine would most likely be the creepy Halloween photo where it looks peaceful on top but it's scary on the bottom. I'm on mobile so I'll try to post a photo.
It was between this photo and the one white haired male vampire(?) you got as a reward from the Halloween quest (either last year or year before that)
Photobucket on mobile is impossible lol...
Last edited by 30stmxfan (22-09-2015 00:09:56)
30stmxfan wrote:
Mine would most likely be the creepy Halloween photo where it looks peaceful on top but it's scary on the bottom. I'm on mobile so I'll try to post a photo. … /image.png
It was between this photo and the one white haired male vampire(?) you got as a reward from the Halloween quest (either last year or year before that)
Photobucket on mobile is impossible lol...
That's the year before since I did last years and don't have it. The vampire guy was last years though!
Oh I now bout photobucket and OMD mobile. Both are hard to navigate and I do it all the the time.
Yeah, I'm mobile OMD challenged lol...
Task #10 has been posted.
From here on out make sure to post your entry before the due date or the points will not be credited to your teams overall points.
Task 10
Yaay!! It was the first time i won so many points in OhMy Ticket
Last edited by afna (23-09-2015 13:33:12)
I see a trend...
Task #11 has been posted.
"Soar to the skies, like the mightiest dragons, we are strong!"
I agree, better than what I could have made up
Oh yay!
Task #12 has been posted.
Any thread, like the games/rps are threads specifically from like the News/Cafe/Shows etc?