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Petite, with my brothers, I loved spending my weekends at my grandparents because, each time, it was a trip to the land of fairy tales and legends. These evenings by the fireplace, they told us these touching stories, captivating but also moralistic. At that time, I was sucked in by all! Fortunately these stories often ended well.
And you, what's your story or your favorite story?
For this theme, show originality and represent a scene from tale or legend scene that rocked your childhood.
Join the theme "Legend / tale" by entering your loft from Tuesday, September 29th at 10:00.
Registrations will close Monday, October 5 to 10 hours, so take your time to plan your creation!
To register for this loft show you will need to meet the following prerequisites:
Store • Prerequisites:
- At least one element Garden
- At least one element Cosplay
• Room requirements:
- Representation of a scene from Legend or recognizable tale
• Prohibited:
- Gifts to offer friends and those of the Gazette
- Loft / mannequin everything *
WARNING: will be considered "done everything" the models dressed and non-customized lofts. You must customize your quest mannequins at least 50% and do not use "object set" all done for your loft.
The winners can be found here-->